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I ditched everybody when lunch was over. Kyle and Macy became best friends and Brenda because Macy's body guard.
I walked over to the shore, it was packed again, but I didn't mind. I found a spot where nobody was and took a seat. Despite the loud people and kids, I found comfort in it all; the sound of the shore, the kids yelling, females giggling and men yelling for their son's to go long so they can throw the football. It all gave me some kind of peace.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and Isabelle stood there smiling at me like I offered her a bowl of ice cream.
"Hey." I say softly
"Hey." She says back, matching my tone.
"Are you going back home?" Her question seemed to have hurt, not only me but I could see just the thought hurt her too.
"I gotta talk to my dad. About the job, my mom, and I gotta talk to my boss. There has to be some kind of mix up."
She doesn't say anything. She stands next to me and stares at the ocean.
"I'll come too." I instantly shook my head when I heard her say these words. I couldn't let her leave her niece and sister just for me.
"No, don't do that." I smiled at her. "You live in Orlando, it's not like we're going to be years away from each other." When I said that, her face got red. I place my hand in hers. Isabelle knows I like her. If she didn't, she was the world's biggest idiot. I wouldn't be surprised if her IQ was a negative 90.
"Isabelle?" I turn to her. Taking both of her hands in mine.
She smiles. "I know."
My eyes scanned hers. She clearly wasn't talking about the same thing as me.
"You didn't let me finish."
"You were going to make me promise to stay here."
No, you big idiot. I like you!!!
"You must know me." I joked and without warning, she hugged me.
"Yeah, I do. And thank you for letting me."
The gesture made me hug her back. My chin resting on her head.
"That's not your line."
"Shut up, Dip-Noodle."

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