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If shitting yourself was a thing on my todo list, I was gonna get a pencil and scratch it off.
I've never been on an airplane before, so just the thought of being in one without anything below me but clouds and concrete that can kill me in 0.1 seconds made me want to shit myself.
Isabelle was sitting across from me in her seat, but she had her head poked over the seats in search of her sister. Her niece was playing on her iPad nonchalantly while I could practically hear Isabelle's heart racing.
"You good, Miss. Purpose?" I asked her. Her head turns in my direction, she had her hair in a low ponytail that looked funny since it was short now.
"I don't know where she is."
Her worried face made me want to start freaking out. That, or because the plane started moving.
I gripped the armrest and took a deep breath.
"I think he's going to pee his pants." Macy says quietly to Isabelle, but I heard her.
"You've never flown before?" Isabelle said in shock. My hand grips the armrest tighter.
"No, if God wanted us in the air, he would've gave us wings." I say, my voice cracking slightly.
"Drama queen." Macy muttered and went back to her iPad.
"How old is she?" I asked Isabelle, my voice still struggling with the panic it's had since the moment my but hit the seat.
"Seven." She says.
"Seven and a half." Macy corrected.
    Before I could say anything else, Isabelle's phone rang. She didn't waste time to answer.
    "Hello?" She answered. "Where the hell are you, Brenda?" She paused then looks down the aisle. "I don't see you." She says.
    "Oh—is that you in the red hat?" I look down the aisle too. My curiosity was getting the best of me. I wanted to see what her sister looked like.
    Down the aisle was a man who looked my weight time two and a girl in a red baseball cap. She had on black shorts and a red baseball jersey.  I couldn't see her face due to her stuffing her bag under her seat.
    "Okay, why are you up there? Aren't you supposed to be sitting with me and Macy?" Isabelle says into the phone. I swallowed nervously when I heard a voice say, "I'm right here." My head snapped up to the person in between our seats. She was tall with dark brown hair. She looked like Isabelle if she was a stud. Her eyes were a deep brown that nearly looked black.
    She had a red beach hat on with a white plain dress.
    "Oh, good to see you." Isabelle said which made her sister roll her eyes.
    "This is my friend, Oliver." She points to me and I quickly mess with my hair before she looks at me.
    "Friend? Oliver? Male?!" She naps her gaze to Isabelle who then sunk deep into her seat.
    "I said this was a family vacation." She shot at her.
    "I know that, but can't you be nice to him? He's really funny." She says, then looks at me. "Tell her a joke, Dip-Noodle."
    I wish I could slap her right now.
    I clear my through and say one that my mom told me when I was six.
    "Why can't you hear a pterodactyl pee?"
    Her sister didn't seem too amused. "Because their P is silent."
    Isabelle laughs loudly, earning looks from the other people in the plane. She smacks her thigh and leans over.
    "Shut up." Her sister says.
    "Look, I don't care if you come, but stay away from my daughter." She didn't give me a chance to speak, she took a seat next to her daughter who was now in the middle of her aunt and mother.
    "Oookay?" I whispered then turned to the window in my seat.
    This was going to be one hell of a flight.

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