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I stayed in my hotel room for a little bit. My plane doesn't leave until 7:40 which means I have at least three hours until I have to leave for Orlando.
I haven't talked to my dad, but he's been texting me nonstop since I told Isabelle I was leaving. Yes, I have been rejecting his calls and not responding to his messages. I know if I do, I'll end up spilling my heart out, telling him the things I want to tell him face-to-face and not over the phone.
Kyle hasn't been up to our room yet, he's been on the phone with Heaven four two hours.
I was smushing more clothes down in my bag, the zipper looks like me; ready to combust and breakdown.
The zipper shut nice once I put my butt on the bag and forced it closed.
After pushing the bag to the ground and plopping on my bed. The sound of knocking made me jump up as quick as I had sat down.
"Come in!!" I yelled, and right when I kicked the bag away from view, Brenda walks in.
She had Macy with her. Brenda wore a white off-shoulder sweater and black shorts. Her hair was in a ponytail and her bangs looked cut, she looked pretty.
Macy wore a blue dress and white flats. Her hair was in two ponytails.
"Hey, Brenda, what's up?"
She doesn't speak right away, she hands Macy her phone and points to Kyle's bed which Macy plops on. And began to watch something where a woman with an extremely annoying and loud voice emanated from the device.
"Hey, I know me and you don't get along and I don't mean to sound like a-" She looks over at her daughter, "I don't mean to sound like a b-word, but I love Isabelle, but she seems to love you, so don't leave just because of me, I will never hear the end of it from Isabelle."
I had to blink a few times to make sure I heard Brenda correctly. Not only did she say that Isabelle loves me, she's only saying she's sorry for protecting her family so Isabelle can be happy with me here on the trip. I couldn't help but smile.
Yet, I couldn't explain to her why I was really leaving and that she didn't have to apologize, because she walks over to Macy and grabs the phone.
"Let's go bye bye."
Macy stands up and holds Brenda's hand.
"Brenda wait-" I call out to her before they could reach the door, but she turned around and said, "I understand that you have a life in Orlando, so if you leave, tell Isabelle you have feelings for her. Both of you are starting to piss me and your friend Kyle off with this secret love bull crap." Then, she was out the door.

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