1. (What's the surprise?) ☁

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Durefishan saleem as -Dua

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Durefishan saleem as -Dua

Durefishan saleem as -Dua

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Hania Amir as - Nabiha

Dua's day had been extremely busy, with her midterm exam taking up most of her time. But despite the stress, she felt relieved that the exam had gone well. As she reached for her phone in her bag, she noticed that she had missed 20 calls and had 50 messages from her childhood best friend and neighbor, Nabiha. Nabiha had become a close friend since she moved to Dhaka from Saudi Arabia with her family in 2005.

Dua grew anxious as she called Nabiha back, wondering if there was an emergency with Nabiha's sick father.

Nabiha: Hello! Where are you?

Dua: What happened? Is everything alright?

Nabiha: Yes, everything is fine.

Dua: There were so many calls from you that I got scared.

Nabiha: Idiot Anyway, I'm waiting outside your university; come outside in 2 minutes. I've got a surprise for you...

Dua: For real? Okay coming.


"What's my surprise? I've got to go home as soon as possible." I've got a match to watch; I can't miss this. It's Shakib Al-Hasan's team. You know how important it is to me."Dua said to Nabiha.

Nabiha replied, "First of all, the match is canceled due to rain; and second, it's because of Shakib, or

"shut up nabiha ." Dua replied and didn't let Nabiha complete her sentence. Before Dua could say anything, Nabiha said,

"Bro, your surprise?" Want to see?

Dua: With excitement,

"Yes, show me, please."

"Okay, let's go to a cafe first. I'm hungry; it's almost lunchtime," said Nabiha.

Dua agreed, and they both went to Banani's 'North End Cafe' in Nabiha's car.

Dua started asking Nabiha for her surprise.

"Check your phone; it was already sent to you, said Nabiha.

Dua glanced down at her phone screen, her heart pounding with anticipation. Suddenly, she let out a loud shriek of excitement, causing everyone in the cafe to turn and stare at her. Feeling a little self-conscious, Dua realized that she had overreacted and blushed with embarrassment. Nabiha chuckled to herself and teasingly remarked,

"Looks like you fell for the wrong guy, bro. Your behavior says it all."

Despite her embarrassment, Dua couldn't help but laugh along with Nabiha."Shutup, now tell me, from where did you manage tickets?" Dua asked Nabiha.

" why? You have the tickets. Be happy. Don't ask so many questions."

What do you mean? I've got full rights to ask you. Now tell me I don't have free time like you," said Dua.

"I bought this one week earlier to give you a surprise now but look at you, no thank you,no sorry, you ungrateful bi**, go to hell," replied Nabiha.

"Areeee so sorry, Meri Jaaan? I love you so much, nahhhhh." Leave it 'thank you'; I'm blessed to have you," said Dua.

""Okay, you don't need to be so chessy. I've already had enough chess this morning," replied Nabiha.

Both Nabiha and Dua burst into laughter.

Nabiha and Dua were having a conversation over coffee. Nabiha seemed excited and asked Dua if she knew what happened that morning. Dua replied,

"Okay, don't tell me that guy who lives on the 3rd floor in our building proposed to you again."

Nabiha laughed and said, "No, I've closed that chapter. You know, he was not my type anyway."

However, the conversation took a serious turn when Nabiha revealed that Dua's mother had again asked her mother to find a suitable match for Dua. Dua was taken aback and choked on her coffee.

"Are you serious? Ugh, why is Ma so obsessed with getting me married off? I just don't want to marry anyone else," Dua exclaimed.

Nabiha tried to reason with Dua and said,

"Listen, dua, you might find my words bitter, but come to reality, you are literally waiting for someone who doesn't even know about your existence. He never will. You are wasting your time on him. You will waste this time seeing him only in photos and videos; in other words, he will get married to someone else' and will settle in life, and you are going to watch only."

Dua was hurt by Nabiha's words and replied,

"You are my best friend; you are the one with whom I share everything-my life, my problems, my happiness, my sadness-and you know very well that my feelings are real and pure, and I love him more than anything. You are saying this?"

Nabiha understood Dua's feelings but tried to make her understand that it had been four years, and neither Dua nor the person she loved had made any move.

"How would he make a move when he doesn't even know you? Bro, move on; I care for you. That's why I'm saying," replied Nabiha.

"Dua responded with conviction,

"If it was meant for me, it will find me; I believe in my Lord. If God has put love for him in my heart, there surely must be a reason, and whatever happens, happens for a reason."

Nabiha let out a sigh and asked,

"How long are you willing to wait for something that may never happen?"

Dua's voice was laced with conviction as she replied, her words ringing out with a sense of purpose,

"I will wait for as long as I need to, no matter how difficult it may be. When you have your heart set on something and you know it's what you truly want, giving up is simply not an option."

She took a deep breath, and then continued,

"I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen, because I believe with every fiber of my being that it's worth it."

Nabiha smirked and said,

"I can't make you understand. Wait for your miracle, but don't come to me when nothing happens."

Dua beamed at Nabiha and said,

"Hey, don't lose hope. Remember, it's hope that never dies." Nabiha rolled her eyes and quipped,

"Yeah, right. Keep hoping till the end of time."

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