9| (Friend Request)

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Dua walked into her room and closed the door behind her. She made her way to her bed and sat down, feeling the weight of her emotions. The tears started to flow freely as she thought about Sabar. He had been on her mind constantly lately, and it was overwhelming.

She knew that it was unlikely that anything would happen between them, but she couldn't help how she felt.

Did I meet Sabar for the last time yesterday? Yes, I did. I won't be meeting him again because I couldn't express my feelings, even though he was so close to me.i'm a loser she muttered.

She loved him deeply, but she couldn't tell anyone about it. Her parents would never approve of her feelings for Sabar, and she couldn't bear the thought of disappointing them.
Despite her love for Sabar she kept her feelings to herself and cried silently on her bed, feeling completely alone


Dua had a late morning start and got out of bed feeling groggy. When she stepped out of her room, she found the house to be eerily quiet and deserted. She was surprised to find that her mother was not at home. She knew that her father, a cardiologist, was usually at the hospital at this hour. But where could her mother have gone? Dua walked around the house,
checking all the rooms, but her mother was nowhere to be found.

Finally, she headed to the kitchen to make herself breakfast when she noticed a note hanging on the fridge. It was her mother's handwriting. The note read,
"We are going to see Nabiha's dad, we will come home late. Have a good day."
Dua felt a wave of relief wash over her. She felt better knowing that her parents were together and that her mother had left a note explaining her absence.

Dua made herself a delicious pancake and sat in front of the TV to watch some drama since she didn't have a university that day, as it was Friday. While she was eating her pancake and watching the drama, suddenly the main character of the drama reminded her of Sabar. She started wondering what Sabar was doing right now.
"Just like I'm thinking about him, would he be thinking about me too?" Dua muttered.
Sabar and his team had a day off from their practice session, so they decided to sight viewing around Dhaka City. Sabar, while sitting on the team bus, was scrolling through his Facebook account. In addition to his public account, he had a private account that was only accessible to close friends and relatives. As he was scrolling through his feed, he noticed a friend's suggestion for Dua's profile. Sabar stopped scrolling and looked at Dua's profile for a minute, wondering how she appeared as a friend's suggestion.
After a moment of thought, Sabar realized that Fahim was a mutual friend of both him and Dua. That's why Facebook suggested her account. Sabar was intrigued and decided to check out Dua's profile. He found out that Dua was interested in photography and had traveled to many exotic places, which impressed Sabar.

Sabar thought for a moment and then decided to take the plunge and send her a friend request on social media. He felt that it would be a great opportunity to connect with her and get to know her better. However, as he clicked on that "Add Friend" button, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of hesitation and muttered
"should i sent her friend request? To know her better?
" what impression it would make on Dua. "
The fear paralyzed him, and eventually, he ended up not sending the request.

Thank you for reading, i hope you all are liking, Please follow and vote..
And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

A Love Delayed, A Dream Renewed.  Where stories live. Discover now