21.Adil you?.

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"I can't believe I'm doing this. I could escape from my house right now," frustrated Dua exclaimed during her video call with Nabiha and Fahim.

Areyy calm down. It's just one meeting. They're not marrying you off today," Fahim reassured her.

Nabiha chimed in, "Exactly, Dua. Just stay calm. I'll be there in a few hours, don't worry."

Dua let out a sigh and turned to Fahim, asking, "Why don't you talk to your mamu about this?"

"What am I supposed to say? I'm scared of him too," Nabiha chuckled. Dua couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"Alright then, I'm off to the match. Wish me luck, my lovely ladies," Fahim declared.

Dua coughed and playfully said, "My lovely ladies? Oh, I mean, yeah. Good luck, bro. I'll hang up so that your lady can personally wish you good luck." Dua laughed and ended the call.

Dua, here you go. Wear these earrings,"
Dua's mom entered her room, holding a pair of earrings.

Dua's face scrunched up in disgust as she replied, "No way, I'm not wearing these. They're so girly."

Dua's mom retorted, "Oh, so you're a boy now?"

Dua chuckled and said, "Come on, mom." Her mom then informed her, "They will be coming in a few hours, so get ready," before leaving the room.

After a while, Nabiha arrived. Dua immediately hugged her tightly and said,
"It's okay, don't be scared. Nothing will happen." Nabiha nodded, appreciating the support. Dua took a deep breath and nodded as well, trying to calm her nerves.

Suddenly, Dua heard her mother's voice calling her from outside.
"Dua, they're here. Come outside." Dua quickly composed herself, adjusting her dupatta before stepping out to face her future in-laws, or maybe not.

As Dua entered the living room, Nabiha stood behind her, blinking her eyes and giving her a reassuring look. Dua's eyes widened in surprise as she glanced at the people sitting on the sofa. Among them, she spotted a familiar face - Adil, her friend from university.

"What on earth is he doing here? Isn't he the guy my dad was talking about? But he's supposed to be a cardiologist, why is he here?" Dua whispered to herself, her mind filled with confusion. Her thoughts were interrupted by the lady sitting next to Adil.
The lady praised Dua's appearance with a heartfelt
"Ma Sha Allah, you look stunning,"

breaking the silence. She then warmly invited Dua to join them, saying,

"Come, sit with us."

Dua graciously accepted the offer, although her mind was still perplexed by Adil's unexpected presence. The lady proceeded to introduce her family, starting with her husband, who happened to be a friend of Dua's father, and then introducing Adil as her younger son.

Adil greeted Dua with a smirk on his face, saying,

"Hi Dua."
Dua mustered a forced smile in return. The lady's husband explained that Adil had informed them about Dua and how they had studied together in the same class. He also mentioned that Adil wanted to surprise her.

The lady chimed in, revealing that they had discovered that Faiz, Dua's father, was also related to them. When they mentioned Dua to Adil, he assured them that she would be the perfect match for his elder brother. It was at this moment that Dua realized Adil was the brother of the cardiologist. She silently thanked her lucky stars that Adil was not the one she was supposed to marry. Moreover, she had no desire to be a part of a family where Adil was involved.

Dua muttered to herself,
"Thank goodness he's not the one. Besides, I wouldn't want to marry into a family where Adil is."

However, Adil, with an intense gaze, asked Dua if she wanted to know his brother's name.

Dua managed to give him a slight smile, restraining herself from making any rude remarks. Adil's mother then placed her hand on Dua's and revealed,

"My elder son's name is Ahad Adam Mirza. Unfortunately, he couldn't be here today due to an emergency. He left for London last night."

" sukar Alhamdulillah" dua muttered

Adil, looking expectantly at Dua, said,

"I suppose Dua was also looking
forward to meeting him, right?"

Dua muttered under her breath,
"I feel like kicking your ass right now, Mr. Adil," before responding,

"There's nothing like that, Adil.".

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