3.unsaid feelings)☁

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Dua wishes to express her feelings to Sabar, but she's held back by her doubts and fears. She's worried about how Sabar will perceive her and whether he'll misunderstand her intentions. Despite her best efforts to stay composed, Dua's eyes fill up with tears, revealing the depth of her emotions. It's a difficult moment for her, but she's determined to find the strength to face Sabar and share her feelings for him.

Finally, Dua found the strength to speak up and turned to Sabar, saying

"Let me call Fahim bhai. "We'll tell him about the situation, and he can come pick you up."

Sabar agreed, saying "Yes, please. He must be worried as well,Our team management doesn't know that we left our hotel."

Dua asked "Do you remember the name of the hotel you are staying in?

Maybe I can drop you there as well."

Sabar replied, "Unfortunately, I even forgot that."

Dua smiled and said,

"You forgot the name of your hotel? That's funny!" and started laughing.

"Okay, no worries, I'm calling Fahim bhai," said Dua.

She proceeded to put the call on loudspeaker as Fahim answered,

"Hello Dua, what's up?"

Dua replied, "Hey bhai, how are you? Where are you?"

Fahim responded,

"Don't tell me, one of our non-Bangladeshi team mates is lost. We were out to have lunch and I lost him on the roads. Now I'm driving here and there to find him."

Dua asked, "That player's name is Sabar, am I right?"

Fahim was stunned and replied, "Yes, how do you know?"

"Don't worry bhai, he is with me. You just come to Northend Cafe as soon as possible, then we will tell you what actually happened," said Dua.

"How did he end up with you, Dua?" asked Fahim.

"First, come here. Sabar will tell you everything," said Dua.

Fahim agreed and said, "Okay, I'm coming in an hour. I came to Dhanmondi to look for him."

"What? Okay, come soon. No worries, I'm here," said Dua.

Sabar was much relieved after hearing Fahim's voice and praised himself in his mind for asking help from the right person, and thanked Allah.

Sabar was overwhelmed with a strong feeling of gratitude towards Dua. His sincere thanks came from the bottom of his heart as he recognized how invaluable her help had been. He expressed his appreciation by saying,

"dua i couldn't have managed without your help".

Sabar went on to express how fortunate he felt to have crossed paths with such a kind and helpful person like her.

Dua was caught off guard when Sabar mentioned her name, and her emotions got the best of her. She felt a rush of feelings that she had been keeping inside for years. She had always been in love with Sabar, but she never expected anything in return. However, after hearing him say her name, she realized that she wanted more from him.

Dua felt overwhelmed and wanted to cry her heart out to Sabar. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him and how much he meant to her. She had been holding back her feelings for so long that it was starting to become unbearable. She knew that she had to tell him how she felt, but she didn't know where to start.

Dua called the waiter and ordered an iced latte without any sugar for Sabar. Sabar was amazed and wondered how Dua knew about her favorite drink. As a result, Sabar started feeling confused and asked Dua how she knew that an iced latte was his favorite drink . Dua, out of excitement, replied that

"i'm the only one who know about your preferences and I knew you didn't like black coffee at all".

Sabar was shocked, and Dua realized that she had made a mistake by revealing too much information.

As Sabar was about to ask something to Dua, Fahim made a sudden appearance and embraced Sabar warmly. His eyes sparkled with delight as he exclaimed,

"I looked everywhere for you, and here you are with my sister!"

Sabar smiled and responded,

"It's a long story."

Dua greeted her brother and ordered a coffee for him. Fahim turned to Sabar and asked him how he ended up there and why he left the restaurant early, causing Fahim to lose him. Sabar then began recounting the incident and how he had the good fortune of meeting Dua and her Friend nabiha..

Finally, it was time to leave. Fahim asked Dua,

"How are you going to go home, Dua?"

Dua replied, "I will call an Uber, bhai."

Upon hearing this, Sabar said,

"Fahim, did you come in your car? We can drop Dua off at her home."

Fahim agreed with Sabar and said to Dua,

"Yes, Dua, I will drop you at home."

However, Dua refused, saying there was no need for that, but Fahim insisted. He told Dua and Sabar to wait in front of the cafe while he got his car out of the garage.

Thank you for reading. Hope you're enjoying it. Stay tuned to find out what happens next in the car! 🫣✨❤️

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