19. Secrets revealed

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Dua stared at Nabiha and Fahim, her eyes filled with disbelief. They avoided her gaze, remaining silent. Nabiha finally mustered the courage to speak, and said
But before she could utter a word, Dua interrupted her with a firm command, "Zip it!" Fahim, with a face that could melt hearts, pleaded,
"We were just about to spill the beans!"
Dua, feeling let down, inquired sarcastically, "Oh really? And when exactly were you planning on enlightening me?"
Fahim replied, "Right after the BPL." Dua shot back, "Enough with the excuses!"
She crossed her arms and added,
"So, when did this love story start?" Nabiha, sounding guilty, confessed,
"Since your last birthday bash."
"Two years ago?!" Dua exclaimed, her disappointment growing. She couldn't believe they had kept this secret for so long. Fahim tried to justify their silence, saying, "We were terrified to tell you." Dua, now frustrated, questioned, "Terrified of me? Am I the bowler Archer Who are you scared to face?
"Aye, don't take it personally," Fahim grumbled, his face contorted in annoyance.

"Oh, so what's the deal? We're discussing a 100-core share investment?" Dua shot back, a mischievous grin playing on her face.

"What's the big deal if we're in love?"

"I don't have a problem with that. It's just why didn't you clue me in?"

"You're not that important for us to inform you."

"Excuse me, am I not important? You've revealed your true colors, Fahim bro."

"Just zip it! Both of you, zip it!" Nabiha yelled. "Why are you two bickering like little kids? Cut it out now."

Nabiha got up beside Fahim and sat beside Dua, wrapping her in her arms
Embracing her tightly and speaking in a soothing tone.

"I'm sorry, Dua. I understand you're hurt, but please try to see things from my perspective too,"

Fahim, not wanting Dua to feel excluded, stood up and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Dua. You are my sister, just like Falaq. I never thought of you as just a cousin, "
he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

Dua looked up at Fahim and replied,

"Yeah right, that's why I'm not so important to you hai na?"

"Idiot, every sister is always important to their brother. So you are, Dua, you're not just important to me, you're irreplaceable! You're like the sprinkles on my ice cream, the cheese on my pizza, and the laughter in my life. I may not always show it, but you hold a special place in my heart. So, please don't ever doubt your importance to me, okay? Pinky promise!""
Fahim replied to Dua in a soft tone.

"Wow, look at you two! Just a moment ago you were fighting, and now the melodrama begins between brother and sister," Nabiha said sarcastically.

Dua's face twisted with frustration as she responded, "I can't believe you, both of you, especially you Nabiha." She said it with a smirk on her face,

Nabiha, however, remained calm and replied with a smile,

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you. Just tell me what you want. Should I talk to Fahim about Sabar on your behalf?"

Dua's eyes widened in disbelief at the suggestion. She couldn't believe her ears.
"Nabihaaa, I swear I'll slap you so hard. What's gotten into you?"

Meanwhile, Fahim nearly choked on his water when he heard the name Sabar being mentioned. He interrupted, bewildered,

"Hold up, hold up, what the heck did you guys just say? Sabar what?"

Nabiha bit her tongue, realizing her blunder, and looked at Dua with remorse.
"Oh shoot, my bad. It slipped out."
Feeling anxious, Dua quickly told Fahim,

"It's nothing, Fahim bhai. You should go. Bye."
Her face displayed signs of worry.

Fahim, sensing something was off, insisted,
"No, no. What's going on? Spill the beans already."
He stared at Nabiha and Dua, waiting for an explanation. Dua shot Nabiha an angry glare and muttered under her breath,

"You're in big trouble."

Nabiha awkwardly smiled, realizing the mess she had caused.

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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