26| Bhabi?

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Sabar was bubbling with excitement as he prepared for the 7-day training camp for the thrilling ODI series against South Africa in Lahore. With a skip in his step, he packed his belongings and made his way towards the living room.

"Bye mama, I will miss you!" Sabar exclaimed, giving his mom a tight hug.

"Goodbye, my dear baccha! Wishing you all the best!" Sabar's mom replied, planting a loving kiss on his forehead.

As Sabar stepped outside, he spotted his dad and sister tending to their beloved plants in the garden. He couldn't contain his curiosity and shouted,
"What are you both up to?"

Both Seher and Sabar's father jumped in surprise, their faces filled with shock.

"What's wrong with you?" Seher exclaimed, her voice filled with Annoyance

Sabar couldn't help but chuckle and playfully replied, "Darpok!"

Seher retorted, "Oh really? Are you forgetting that dad is a heart patient and he's older?"

Sabar's dad, Mr. Shafiq Rhaman, coughed and interjected, "Excuse me? Who did you call old?"

Sabar chuckled once again and teased, "Dad, your daughter just called you old-aged!"

Sabar's dad shot a playful glare at Seher, crossing his arms in mock annoyance.

Seher playfully tapped Sabar on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Baba, ask your son where he's off to now!"

With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, Sabar chuckled and responded, "Well, I'm about to embark on a journey to see the love of my life!"

Seher, placing his hand on Sabar's shoulder, quipped, "Oh really? Is it all the way to Bangladesh?"

Sabar playfully swatted Seher's hand away and retorted, "Do you even know what a slap feels like?"

Seher smirked and replied, "Oh, yes you're about to find out." she gently gave Sabar a light slap on the cheek.

"Baba, look at what your daughter is up to," Sabar complained.

"Alright, Seher, don't bother him. Let him go," Sabar's father interjected, adding, "Have a safe flight!"

Sabar grinned, hugged his father tightly, and playfully smacked Seher on the back of his head, saying,

"Bye, you silly goofball!"

"All the best bhai, " Seher said to Sabar.


Dua found herself sitting alone on the bench outside her university cafe. It was her last day at university, and she would be graduating tomorrow. Lost in her thoughts, Dua's concentration was abruptly interrupted by Adil.

He greeted her with a cheerful
"Assalamulaikum Bhabi."

Dua's face turned irritated as she looked at him and demanded,

"What on earth did you just call me?"

Adil chuckled and quickly corrected himself, saying,

"Oops, sorry. I should've said 'would-be bhabhi'."

Rolling her eyes, Dua firmly stated,

"You shouldn't even address me with that word.

Adil took a seat next to her and curiously asked,

"Why? You're about to become my bhabi soon."

With anger burning in her eyes, Dua turned to Adil and replied,

A Love Delayed, A Dream Renewed.  Where stories live. Discover now