31| Expensive Gift..

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As Sabar slurped his soup, his mother looked at him with concern.

"Why don't you take better care of yourself?"

she asked, glancing at his bandaged right hand, a reminder of his recent fractured wrist from a match. Tears welled up in her eyes as she said,

"I know you must be in so much pain."

Sabar comforted her, saying,

"Mama, please don't cry. I'll be okay, in sha Allah, in a couple of months." He hugged her gently, trying to ease her worries.

"Be careful with your hand," his mother reminded him.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and Seher, Sabar's younger sister, barged in. Unlike Amma's gentle concern, Seher's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, well, well," she drawled, her voice dripping with mock sympathy.

"Look who's the patient today?The great Sabar, brought down by a little fall."

Sabar couldn't resist a playful jab.
"I was doing just fine, Seher," he countered, a playful glint in his eyes, "until a certain annoying little sister decided to grace us with her presence."

Seher gasped dramatically, placing a hand on her chest.
"How dare you! Here I am, worried sick about my poor injured brother, and all I get are insults?"

Despite the pain, a chuckle escaped Sabar's lips. He enjoyed their playful banter.
"Alright, alright, Seher," he conceded. "You win. Today, I'm too weak to fight back against your…superior wit."

Seher smirked triumphantly. "That's more like it. Now," she continued,

Sabar chuckled and asked,
"Where's my phone? I haven't seen it in a week."

Seher grinned and said,

"Wait here. Your phone was with me," as she pulled it out of her pocket.

Sabar gratefully took his phone and checked it. He narrowed his eyes and asked Seher,
"Did Fahim call?"
Seher nodded, saying,

"Yes, he called to ask about your health."
Sabar grew thoughtful as he stared at his phone, lost in his thoughts. Finally, he spoke up,

"Mama, can you bring me something else to eat? I don't feel like having this anymore."

"Of course, dear. I'll bring you something else," his mother assured him, then told Seher, "Get your brother a glass of water." Seher agreed, and Sabar smiled at his sister's obedience. He sipped the water and felt relief as the coolness soothed his parched throat. Sabar returned to his phone, scrolling through messages and notifications. Seher noticed his change in demeanor and asked curiously,

"What's on your mind, Bhai?"
"I wanted to share something with you,"

Sabar replied. Seher was confused but said,
"Sure, what is it?"

"The conversation between Sabar and Seher will be shared in the upcoming chapters stay tuned" 🧆


Dua and Adil sat comfortably in the warm cafe, deeply engaged in a discussion about their upcoming departures. Dua informed,

"My flight is scheduled for 2:30 in the afternoon tomorrow."

Adil, slightly surprised, questioned,

"So you're finally leaving?"
Dua smiled and replied, "Yes, I didn't really have a choice."

Adil, feeling a mix of emotions, responded,
"Well, well, congratulations to me as well."

Dua raised an eyebrow and asked with curiosity,
"Congratulations for what?"
Adil proudly announced,
"I'm heading to London."

Dua, brimming with excitement, inquired

, "Really? When?"
Adil explained,
"Next month, Adam bhai invited me there for further studies."

Dua nodded in agreement and remarked, "That's a wise decision."

Adil cleared his throat and leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Actually," he began, reaching behind him and producing a small, velvet gift bag, "I have something for you."

Dua's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "For me? But why?"

Adil grinned, a playful dimple appearing in his cheek. "Just a little something to remember me by." He placed the bag on the table and slid it towards her.

Hesitantly, Dua picked it up, the smooth velvet cool against her fingertips. With trembling fingers, she untied the ribbon and carefully opened the box nestled inside. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon a breathtaking diamond necklace. The sunlight streamed through the cafe window, catching the facets of the diamonds and sending a kaleidoscope of colors dancing across the table.

"Adil," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "This is... it's beautiful."

Adil chuckled. "Almost as beautiful as you are," he teased, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "But seriously, it's from Adam bhai. He asked me to give it to you as Your graduation gift.

The smile that had begun to bloom on Dua's face faltered.
"Adil," she said softly, pushing the box back towards him, "I can't accept this."

"Why not?" Adil frowned, genuinely confused. "It's a lovely gift."

"Look Adil, nothing is fixed between me and your brother now. I really can't accept this," Dua said.

Adil sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Come on, Dua. It's just a necklace. It doesn't mean anything."

Dua met his gaze, her voice firm. "It does, Adil. And I just can't accept it under the  accepting it just feels wrong.

"A defeated slump filled Adil's shoulders. "But..." he began, his voice trailing off.  stopped himself with a sigh. "Okay, fine," he conceded with a touch of exasperation.

Wait," Dua interjected, her suspicions piqued by his sudden surrender. Her eyes narrowed playfully.
"What are you going to do with the necklace now,.i Don't trust you.

A slow, teasing smirk spread across Adil's face. "Well," he drawled, leaning in conspiratorially, "who knows what fate awaits a beautiful, unwanted necklace? Maybe it'll find a new home, with someone who appreciates it."

Dua couldn't help a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh really? And who might that be?" she challenged, a playful glint in her eyes
Dua smiled and said, "Shut up. Just tell me."

"I'm going to take this home and return it to Mom," Adil playfully smiled.

Dua raised her eyebrows and burst into laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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