8| we want best for you

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Dua went to visit Nabiha at her house where they spent the night sharing a meal. During their time together, Dua recounted her experience at the stadium earlier that day, where she had the chance to meet Sabar's sister. She also mentioned that she had given the extra tickets to Sabar's sister, Seher. Nabiha listened intently and remarked,

"Wow, it's interesting that you met Sabar's sister too."

"It's destiny," Dua replied, letting out a sigh.

Nabiha teased Dua, saying,

"It seems like destiny is making its move. You're slowly but surely meeting your in-laws."

Dua's eyes widened with a fiery expression.

"Seriously?" she said before putting down her spoon.

Nabiha quickly realized her mistake and apologized.

"Okay, I'm sorry.

But just think about it. You're the one who believed that destiny was not a myth. It does spell its magic one day. Now, when it's happening, why are you so confused?"

Dua's face was creased with confusion and sadness as she spoke

. "I wish I knew why this is happening to me,"

she said with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"What have I done to deserve this? Why is Allah testing me like this?"

She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes for a moment as if trying to find some inner strength.

"okay finish your food don't think so much " Nabiha consoled Dua.

Dua came home to find her parents having dinner. She put on a smile and said,

"Hello, did you miss me?"

Dua's father smiled back and replied,

"Yes, my dear. Come sit with us."

Dua pulled up a chair and joined her parents. Dua's mother offered her some dinner, asking,

"Do you want to eat anything?'

Dua politely declined, saying, "No, Mom, I'm full."

Dua noticed her parents hesitating to say something. They exchanged glances as if trying to communicate something nonverbally. Dua remained silent, sensing that they wanted to say something important but were hesitant to do so.

"Dua, you have always been an obedient child to me. As your father, I could not be more proud of the person you have become. You have always followed my advice, and for that, I am grateful. However, I have something important to discuss with you today," said Dua's father with a gentle voice.

Dua sensed that her father wanted to talk about something serious, but she didn't know what it could be.

"What's wrong, Dad?" she asked.

"Nothing is wrong, my dear.

I simply want to talk to you about your future," said Dua's dad.

Dua's face turned pale, and she felt a lump in her throat. She knew that her father was going to bring up the topic of marriage, and she wasn't ready for it. But she composed herself and asked,

"What about my future, Dad?"

"I want you to get married, Dua," said her father, his voice still gentle.

Dua was taken aback. She wasn't ready for this.

"But Dad, I'm still studying," she said

"We know that, Dua," said her mother who had been listening to the conversation.

"We are not asking you to get married immediately. We just want your permission to start looking for a suitable partner for you. It takes time to find a good match, and we want to make sure that you end up with a well-educated and respectable family."

Dua's father nodded in agreement.

"Your mother is right, Dua. We are not in a hurry to get you married until you complete your studies. But we want to start looking for someone suitable for you now. You are our only daughter, and we want to make sure that you have a happy and fulfilling life."

Dua felt a mix of emotions - fear, confusion, and frustration. She didn't want to get married yet, but she didn't want to disappoint her parents either. She took a deep breath and said,

"I understand, Dad. But please give me some time to think about this. I need to make the right decision for myself."

"Of course, my dear," said Dua's father.

"Take your time and think about it. We just want what's best for you."

Dua walked into her room and closed the door behind her. She made her way to her bed and sat down, feeling the weight of her emotions. The tears started to flow freely as she thought about Sabar. He had been on her mind constantly lately, and it was overwhelming.

She knew that it was unlikely that anything would happen between them, but she couldn't help how she felt. She loved him deeply, but she couldn't tell anyone about it. Her parents would never approve of her feelings for Sabar, and she couldn't bear the thought of disappointing them.

Despite her love for Sabar she kept her feelings to herself and cried silently on her bed, feeling completely alone.

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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