17. Joyful Day

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Sabar's Pov

During cricket practice session, I was able to hit an extraordinary six off of one of my fellow teammates, Taskin Ahmed. The shot was so impressive that Taskin himself was taken aback and commented
, "Wow, what a mind-blowing six that was!"
I replied with a big smile, "Thanks, mate."

As I was finishing up my batting session and heading towards the restroom, Fahim suddenly came running towards me from the field and put his hand on my shoulder. He remarked,
"It seems like the home-cooked food by my mom has given you a boost!"
I couldn't help but smirk at his comment and responded,
"I don't know if it's the food, but someone definitely did boost me up."
Fahim was curious and asked,
"Who is that someone?"
I replied with a mysterious smile, "It's Actually Sabar winked at fahim

Fahim was immediately taken aback by my response and stopped in his tracks, trying to comprehend what I meant. I decided to break the silence with a laugh and a warm embrace, saying,
"Don't overthink it, my friend. Let's just play cricket."
Fahim responded with a smile,
"Okay, no problem. I will find this meaning of wink one day soon."
I looked at him confidently and replied,
"Look around you, you will find it."

Fahim looked at me with a hint of suspicion in his eyes and sarcastically folded his arms, saying,
"Bhai, you are right. Let's play cricket."
I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction., it was a fun and eventful cricket practice session

I Started missing my home suddenly, my fellow teammates back at home,
my green jersey, my PCT(Pakistan cricket team).
I smiled unknowingly because only cricket makes me smile at the hardest point of my life.
Every time I visit Bangladesh, I feel a sense of comfort and familiarity that is difficult to describe. It feels like a second home to me. The people, especially the players and the management of my franchise, have always been so welcoming and friendly that I can't help but feel at ease.
One person who has made my experience in Bangladesh all the more special is Fahim. He and I have become incredibly close, and I now consider him to be one of my best friends.
Cricke has given me so much in life, but the opportunity to form relationships with amazing people like those I have met in Bangladesh is truly priceless.

Dua's Pov

As I was about to leave the university early, my class got canceled, giving me some extra free time. I immediately messaged my friend Nabiha that I was coming to meet her. However, before I could leave, I heard someone calling my name from behind. When I turned around, I saw Adil, one of my classmates, walking towards me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Hey, are you going home already?" Adil asked me with a smile.
I replied to him, feeling a bit confused,
"Yes, why do you ask?"
Adil then moved forward, holding the bouquet towards me and said,
I was taken aback by his words and wondered what he was congratulating me for. My mind was racing with confusion, so I asked him,
"Congratulations for what, Adil?"
He simply smirked and replied,
"You'll get to know later. Bye!"
With that, he turned around and left the university, leaving me standing there with a bouquet of roses that I didn't know what to do with.


"Seher, where are you going?" Sabar asked his sister.
"Bhai, you forgot already? I've got a flight. I'm going to Dubai to attend my friend's wedding," Seher replied.
Sabar realized that he had completely forgotten about her plans

"I'm sorry, it completely slipped my mind," Sabar said as he lay down on Seher's bed.

Seher was not pleased with her brother's absent-mindedness and asked him,
"What the hell are you thinking about these days? Don't tell me it's cricket, because you were never like this."
Sabar denied being distracted
"What do you mean? I'm completely fine. It's just, I forgot. I'm human. I can forget things. Especially your lizard-faced friend's wedding,"
Sabar replied, avoiding eye contact with his sister.

"Did you just call her lizard-faced?" Seher didn't let it slide and hit him with a pillow, starting a playful pillow fight between the siblings.

Despite being adults, Sabar and Seher fought like kids, laughing and teasing each other. Eventually, they got tired.
"Okay, stop. I'm tired. Let's continue this after going back to Pakistan," Sabar told Seher.
Seher agreed but made it clear that she was winning this one.
"Yeah, sure. But I'm winning this," Seher replied.

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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