7| (Thinking about Her)

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Dua arrived at her house, and her mother opened the door for her. As she entered, she saw her father engrossed in watching today's match highlights on TV. Dua's father immediately noticed her and greeted her with a warm smile and a question,

"Hello my darling daughter, how are you?"

Dua smiled back and went to sit beside him on the couch, leaning her head on his shoulders. Dua's dad then placed his hand on her head and asked,

"What happened, my child? Didn't you enjoy today's match?"

Dua replied with a sigh, "No, I did but It was disappointing to see Chotogram Challenges lose."

"Ah, I see. Well, winning or losing is a part of the game," said Dua's dad, trying to console her.

Dua then added, "I'm just a little worried about Nabiha's dad. She was also upset."

"Don't worry, my child. He will be okay. Your mother and I will go to the hospital tomorrow to see him. Is that okay?" said Dua's dad, trying to reassure her.

"Yeah, thank you, Dad," replied Dua, feeling a bit better.

"Okay, go to your room and freshen up. We will have dinner after that," said Dua's dad.

"Dad, actually, I already promised Nabiha that I would have dinner at her house. If you don't mind, can I go?"

replied Dua in a low voice, hoping her father would allow her to go.

Dua's dad smiled and said, "Of course, you can. Have a good time."

Dua hugged her father and went to her room, feeling grateful for her father's understanding and support.

Sabar's mind was consumed with thoughts of Dua, and he was unable to shake them off. He was preoccupied with trying to decipher the meaning behind his sister Seher's mention of Dua's name. Did she know something about Dua that he was unaware of? Sabar was a believer when it came to love at first sight, particularly since he had only just met Dua the day before. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but wonder if there was something special about her. He found himself constantly checking his phone, hoping for a message from her, but the reality set in that Dua didn't have his number or any other means of contacting him. Sabar's thoughts spiraled as he grappled with the possibility that Dua might not feel the same way about him as he thought that he might be misreading the hints. He couldn't help but feel disappointed, and his face betrayed his emotions. He muttered under his breath,

"Shut up, Sabar. You're thinking too much."

Even so, he couldn't shake off the feeling and said to himself again

"what's so special About her? "

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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