28| Escaping Reality

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As Dua approached Fahim's car, she swung open the door and hopped into the back seat with a big grin on her face. Nabiha settled herself in the passenger seat next to Fahim, who was ready to take the wheel.

"Hello, Bhaiya Bhabi!" Dua cheerfully greeted them.

Fahim coughed, clearly taken aback. "What did you just call us?"

"Bhaiya and Bhabi, of course! Aren't you my beloved Bhaiya Bhabi?" Dua replied, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Nabiha blushed and quickly responded, "Well, we are not married yet "

"Oh, don't worry! We'll get married soon," Fahim chimed in, giving Nabiha a loving gaze.

Dua couldn't help but playfully tease Fahim, "Oye, romantic hero! Keep your eyes on the road!"

Nabiha and Fahim broke their gaze, their cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"By the way, where are we headed?" Dua curiously asked.

Fahim grinned mischievously and replied, "We're going somewhere special, where we can leave you all alone."

Dua chuckled and replied, "Ha ha, very funny."

"Well, we're going to..." Nabiha began, but Fahim interrupted her with a playful shush.

"Shh, it's a surprise! We'll get there first, and then we'll tell" Fahim said with a wink.

Dua let out a playful sigh and said,
"Oh come on, I already know you guys are planning something amazing for my graduation!"

Nabiha glanced at Dua with a disappointed and slightly annoyed expression.

Dua quickly caught on and replied,

"Alright, alright, I'll pretend like I have no idea. I'll raise my eyebrows and give you a big smile, deal?".

Fahim couldn't help but laugh and said, "Dua, you truly have a talent for spoiling your surprises!"

Dua simply shrugged and replied, "Oh, it doesn't bother me at all. By the way, Nabi, when is your Convocation day?"

Nabiha thought for a moment and answered, "Hopefully next week."

Dua's eyes lit up with excitement as she exclaimed, "Oh, Fahim bhai, we have to plan something amazing for that day!"

Nabiha crossed her arms and playfully scolded,

"Haha, go ahead and plan my surprise right in front of me, you two!"

Dua and Fahim burst into laughter, enjoying the joyful moment together.


Fahim's voice echoed through the room, "Close your eyes."

Dua hesitated, "But why? I already know the surprise."

Nabiha chimed in, determined, "But You promised you'll pretend, so pretend."

Dua sighed, giving in, "Huh, okay."

She closed her eyes, covering them with her hands.

With gentle guidance, Fahim and Nabiha led Dua into the venue.

"Okay, open your eyes in 1, 2, 3," Fahim announced.

"1, 2, 3, open your eyes," Nabiha added eagerly.

Dua slowly opened her eyes, and at that moment, her heart skipped a beat. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she took in the breathtaking sight before her. The riverside resort was adorned with vibrant flowers and colorful balloons, creating a whimsical atmosphere. A large board proudly displayed the words, "Congratulations Dua, the Engineer!" The entire venue was transformed into a cozy haven, with a beautiful white and blue theme that perfectly captured Dua's essence.

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