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As I entered my room, the sight of my cluttered surroundings mirrored the chaos of my life. My mind was in disarray, and I felt weighed down by the burdens of my existence. To gather myself, I took a seat at my desk and lowered my head, closing my eyes in an attempt to clear my mind. Eventually, I decided to step out onto the balcony to get some fresh air and escape the stifling atmosphere. As I gazed up at the sky, I was struck by the beauty of the moon and stars. The moon, in particular, caught my eye, and I was reminded of Sabar -

"someone who loomed large in my thoughts despite being so far away".

Looking up at the stars, I imagined myself as one of them, shining bright but still unable to reach the moon. It was a melancholic thought, but the beauty of the night sky provided some solace. I picked up my phone and looked at Sabar's picture, feeling my heart skip a beat.

"He who holds my heart, shines as the star of my Galaxy. My heart beats solely for him, for he is the rhythm that fills it with life"

Prior to meeting him, I held the belief that it was impossible to love someone without ever having met them face-to-face. However, my perspective changed when I fell deeply in love with him. I became convinced that one could develop an intense connection with another person without ever meeting them in person. I began to experience a vast array of complex emotions and feelings that I previously believed were only possible in person-to-person interactions.

Love truly is a mysterious and powerful force that can bring people together, no matter where they are in the world.

The depth of my affection for him is indisputable. There­'s no doubt I care for him deeply. I ofte­n wonder, was it fate that we me­t so suddenly? Even with some doubt in my mind, I know my feelings are real.


I feel a strong connection whenever Dua is around. It's as if I've known her for years. There's something about her that shakes me to my core. Her shyness and awkwardness are incredibly attractive. But why am I so drawn to her? I can't quite put my finger on it, but

❝I feel that she is the missing piece of my soul that I've been searching for. ❞

Am I falling for her? No, I can't be. Whenever I've fallen for someone in the past, i have been hurt in the by people I loved and trusted, and the memories of those painful experiences still haunt me to this day. I remember how I lost my passion for cricket, something that I had loved since I was a child, when I was betrayed by someone I thought was my closest.
I can't forget those worst days of my life. I've worked so hard to get where I am today, and I can't afford to fall for someone who doesn't feel the same way about me.
Cricket is the only thing that has never left me, and my love for it remains strong.

Hello there! As we welcome the new year, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to everyone. May this year be filled with countless blessings, joy, and success in all your endeavors. I hope you will have the courage to face any challenges that come your way and the determination to pursue your dreams. Let us all look forward to new opportunities and adventures that await us. Lastly, I want to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to read my story. Thank you for being a part of my life. I appreciate you all and send my love to each and every one of you.❤️

A Love Delayed, A Dream Renewed.  Where stories live. Discover now