10| Flowers for Flora

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Dua was feeling extremely bored at home. She had been trying to focus on her studies but her mind kept wandering. She felt restless and couldn't find peace. She was dealing with two issues that were troubling her. Firstly, her father had been bringing up the topic of marriage frequently. Dua wasn't sure if she was ready for such a big commitment and it was causing her to feel anxious. Secondly, she was struggling and regretting not saying to Sabar how she felt about him. She decided to take a break and sat down on the sofa. She put her hand on her face and rubbed it, trying to calm herself down. However, she still felt lost and confused.

Dua realized that overthinking would drive her mad, so she decided to visit her Aunt Flora's house. Flora was Fahim's mother, so essentially, Dua was going to Fahim's house. She messaged her dad to let him know that she was going to her aunt's house and asked him to pick her up from there later. Dua got ready, called an Uber, and headed to her Aunt Flora's house.

Dua wanted to surprise her aunt Flora with something special that she would love, so she decided to buy her white roses, knowing that they were her favorite. She also wanted to bring something for her cousin's sister Falaq, who was in ninth grade. Knowing that Falaq loves cookies, Dua bought some cookies for her as well.
, Dua went to her aunt's house and rang the doorbell. Her aunt opened the door, and Dua was hiding her face behind the bouquet. She peeked through it and said
.Her aunt was pleasantly surprised to see her beloved niece and expressed her love by hugging her and welcoming her inside her home.

Dua's Aunt Flora is a single mom. Her husband, who was an Army Officer, passed away while serving his country. At the time of his passing, their two children, Fahim and Falaq, were very young. Since then, Aunt Flora has raised them on her own. Despite the challenges, Fahim has become successful cricketer and was allowed to play for the Bangladesh National Cricket Team.
Dua gave the flowers to her Aunt and said,
"Flowers for my dearest flowery Aunt".
Her Aunt smelled the flowers and replied,
"Wow, I love it! Thanks, my darling."
She was delighted with the beautiful white roses and appreciated the thought and effort that Dua had put into choosing them.
Her aunt then asked her where she had been all this time, as she hadn't seen her for many days. Dua explained that she was busy with her midterms and that her parents were out visiting a friend's dad at the hospital. Dua was feeling bored and decided to visit her aunt to spend some time with her.

"I'm glad you came," said Dua's aunt.
"Where is Falaq?" asked Dua.
"Where else? Obviously, in her room like always. You know her," replied Dua's Aunt.
"Okay, I will go and meet her," replied Dua.
Dua turned the doorknob slowly and pushed the door open with a gentle creak. The room was dimly lit, but she could see her little sister Falaq sitting at the study table, engrossed in her books. The sight of her sister after so many days brought a smile to Dua's face. As soon as Falaq saw her, she leaped out of her chair and exclaimed
"Dua Apu!"
Her voice was filled with excitement as she hugged Dua warmly. Dua's heart swelled with joy as she hugged her sister back, feeling the warmth of her embrace.

Falaq greeted Dua with a warm smile and said,
"Where have you been for so long, Dua Apu? I missed you so much."
Dua smiled back, happy to see her, and replied,
"I had exams, that's why I couldn't come to see you. I'm sorry."

Falaq nodded in understanding and said,
"It's okay. Fahim Bhai told me that you went to watch yesterday's match as well."
As soon as Falaq mentioned the match, Dua's face fell, and she went quiet. The memories of Sabar came flooding back, and she went into her thoughts, lost in her world.

Just then, Dua's aunt Flora came into the room and called out to her,
"Dua, come. I made your favorite pasta!"
Dua snapped out of her thoughts and replied,
"Oh yeah, let's go."
Turning to Falaq, Dua added,
"Falaq, let's go to the dining room. I brought you cookies."
Falaq smiled and followed Dua and Aunt Flora to the dining room.

Sorry if this part was boring. More interesting parts are coming. Love you all! ❤️🌸

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