27. Convocation day

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The day of Dua's Convocation ceremony had finally arrived and she was filled with excitement and nervousness. Along with her parents, she made her way to the university where the graduation ceremony was taking place. As they entered the venue, they could see a sea of students dressed in their graduation gowns and caps.

Dua's parents were guided to the designated seating area for families while Dua joined her fellow graduates in the procession toward the stage. As she walked towards the stage, Dua felt a mix of emotions - pride, joy, and a hint of sadness that her journey as a student was coming to an end.

As she approached the stage, Dua saw her parents sitting in the audience, beaming with pride. She gave them a warm smile and a wave, feeling grateful for their love and support.

Finally, Dua stepped up to the stage where the Dean of the university was distributing certificates to the graduates. With a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, she received her certificate and became a proud graduate and engineer. Dua's parents clapped and cheered for her.

As Dua made her way towards her parents, she noticed Adil's parents engaged in conversation with them. Her heart skipped a beat, but just as she started to panic
, Adil appeared and whispered,
"Relax, they're just my parents, not the Hulk." Dua was taken aback.
"Shut up, Adil, I already know that," she retorted.
Dua and Adil then joined their parents' conversation.
"Look, here come our engineers," Dua's mom exclaimed with excitement. "Congratulations, Dua Ma," Adil's mom said, embracing Dua warmly.

"Thank you, Aunty," Dua replied.
"Dua deserves even more congratulations, she came first in our department," Adil chimed in.
Dua's dad placed his hand on her head with pride and said,
"I'm so proud of her." Dua smiled.
"Dua, Adam also sent his congratulations," Adil's mom mentioned. Dua couldn't find the words to respond, but she forced a smile.

"Dua, I heard that you want to study abroad," Adil's dad asked.

Dua was caught off guard and saw her dad giving her a confused glance as he was not aware of her plan.

"Yes, uncle," Dua replied.

"That's great news, Dua. We were so happy to hear that. It's overwhelming that you are prioritizing your studies. Listen, don't worry about marriage or engagement. We are not in a hurry at all," Adil's mom said to Dua.

Dua gave a broad smile and glanced at Adil, who winked at her.

"So, Dua, what's your plan? Which country are you thinking of going to?" Adil's dad asked.

"I haven't decided yet, but hopefully Canada or Australia," Dua replied.

"Why not London?" Adil's mom chuckled and asked. "Adam was already there. He could have helped you. Hahaha."

Dua didn't reply and gave a forced smile.

"It's okay, Dua. You're already our daughter-in-law," Adil's mom said and laughed

As Dua and Adil's families made their way to their cars after the Convocation ceremony, Dua and Adil trailed behind them. Dua turned to Adil and teasingly said,

"Already a daughter-in-law, Adil? Seriously?"

Adil shrugged it off and replied,

"Oh, come on. You know how desi parents can be."

Dua nodded in agreement and expressed her gratitude, saying

"Thank you."

Confused, Adil asked,
"Thank you for what?"

Dua smiled and replied,
"For helping your parents understand."

Adil humbly responded,
"Ah, I didn't do much. It was all because of Adam bhai."

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