16. Flirty Adil

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The next morning, as the sun slowly rose above the horizon, its warm rays spilled into the room and gently touched Dua's face as she slept peacefully. She was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock ringing, which echoed throughout the room. Rubbing her eyes, Dua reached over and turned off the alarm, feeling a sense of relief that she could lie in bed for a few more minutes. As she lay there, she listened to the sweet melodies of the birds outside her window, chirping and tweeting to each other.

she got ready for her University and went to the dinning area.

As soon as I entered the dining area, my dad greeted me warmly with a wide smile and asked,

"Good morning my darling, did you sleep well last night?"

I couldn't help but feel a bit irritated as they had been bringing up the topic of marriage repeatedly, but I didn't want to spoil my mood further, so I replied politely,

"Yes, I had a good sleep, thank you."

My mom then announced that she had made my favorite breakfast - paratha and Suji. While I was pleased to hear that, I couldn't help but feel a little suspicious since it was not a typical breakfast my mom would make on a regular day. However, I brushed off the feeling and decided to enjoy my breakfast.

As I was about to take the first bite of my paratha, my dad started speaking about a friend from his medical college who had a son. I could feel my throat tightening as I knew what was coming next. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't hold back my emotions and started choking on my food. My mom quickly handed me a glass of water and tapped on my back gently.

My dad immediately asked if I was alright, and I nodded my head, trying to keep my composure.

"Yeah, just overate," I lied. I knew he was going to bring up the topic of marriage again, and I didn't want to engage in that conversation.

Before my dad could say anything else, I quickly changed the topic and said,

"Oh my god, it's already 8. I have a class at 9. I need to leave."Again i lied my class was at 10.

My mom tried to convince me to finish my breakfast, but I faked that i was in a hurry and didn't want to be late for my class.I asked my mom to pack my paratha, and she gave me a tissue to clean my face. I left my home in a hurry, feeling relieved that

"thank god managed to avoid the topic of marriage once again... but I don't know how long I'm going to avoid this."

After arriving at the university, my friend Nabiha called me. I answered the phone and asked,

"What happend?"

I know it may sound a bit rude, but our bond is such that we often use a direct tone with each other.

Nabiha asked,

"Where are you? I went to your house, but your mother said you Have classes at 9 and you left early today.

Why did you lie?"

I sighed and replied,

"You don't know the whole story, but to cut it short, it's about the marriage topic. Now, do you understand why I left early?"

Nabiha said, "Oh, I see. That's the matter." actually..

Before she could say anything else, I found myself suspecting what she meant by "actually". I asked her,

"Don't tell me you told Mom that I didn't have classes at 9."

Nabiha replied, "No, silly. I didn't tell her anything." I was relieved to hear that.

I then asked her, "So, why didn't you come to the university today? I was waiting for you."

Nabiha responded in frustration, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"Are you out of your mind? Or did someone hit you on the head?"

I was taken aback, not understanding what she was talking about. I retorted,

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. What's wrong with you?"

Nabiha insisted,

"No, there's definitely something wrong with you.

Which university do I study in, Dua?"

It was then that I realized Nabiha was enrolled in a different university. How on earth was she planning to come here?

"Okay, I'm sorry, I forgot. Listen, I have a class. I'll meet you at home after I come back. I have so much to tell you," I hurriedly explained.

"You're such an idiot, Dua. Even I have something to tell you,"

Nabiha said before bidding me goodbye.

I ended the call.

Sitting at the library, I was looking at the tickets for tomorrow's match on my laptop. I had been staring at the screen for almost 10 minutes. As I was sitting here contemplating whether or not to buy the tickets I was looking at, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Adil, a friend from my university, standing behind me. With a broad smile on his face, he said,

Samar Jafari as Adil Mirza

Samar Jafari as Adil Mirza

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"Buy it now, Dua. How long are you going to keep looking at this?"

I let out a sigh and replied with an irritated expression,

"Oh, you."

Adil, sensing my annoyance, sat beside me and asked,

""What's wrong? It seems like you didn't want me to come here."

With an uninterested expression, I snapped back,

"Yes, I didn't like you coming here."

He chuckled and said,

"UFF, I fell for this attitude of yours.

Please, just admit that there's love between us.

"Rolling my eyes in disgust, I retorted

"Eww, Adil, that was so cheesy.

Adil is someone who always flirts with me in university, but I know he's never serious because he flirts with every girl.

Hey Guy's, i've a surprise update for you all. So sorry if the chapter was boring but you know life needs boring days as well. More exciting and romantic chapter's are coming soon, love you all ❤️

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