24. Sona?

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"Hey Sabar, can I ask you something?" Fahim asked.

Sabar, with a hint of amusement in his voice, replied, "Sure, go ahead."

Fahim, unable to resist, asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Sabar chuckled and responded, "Why would you ask that? I already told you, there's no one."

Playfully, Fahim persisted, "Come on, don't hide it from me. Tell me, tell me, what are you keeping a secret?" trying to get Sabar to open up.

Sabar looked at Fahim, biting his lip, and finally confessed, "It's a secret. Can I trust you not to tell anyone?"

Fahim assured him, "Of course, you can trust me. Tell me everything."

With a voice filled with emotion, Sabar began to recount a memory from four years ago.

"I'll never forget the moment I laid eyes on her. She was standing right in front of me, our gazes meeting for just a brief moment, but it was enough. Her eyes were like deep pools of brown, captivating me with their beauty. Her lips had the perfect shade of pink, and her hair cascaded down her shoulders, so silky and smooth. From that moment on, I was completely smitten. I couldn't help but fall in love with her, and even now, after four years, that love still burns bright."

Fahim was taken aback by Sabar's confession.
"Oh no, what about Dua? She's going to be heartbroken," Fahim muttered.

He then asked Sabar,
"What's her name?"

Sabar glanced out of the window, lost in thought, and replied,

"Her name is Sona."

"Sona? Who is she?" Fahim asked, his curiosity piqued.

Sabar blushed slightly and replied,
"I affectionately call her Sona. That's all I'll say for now. I'm feeling a bit shy."

Fahim couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and excitement.

"Wow, that's amazing. Don't forget to invite me to the wedding," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness, knowing that Sabar was serious about Sona.

Present time.

Dua's voice quivered with disbelief and her eyes welled up with tears as she questioned,
"S..s..sona? I've never heard that name before. Did he mention it to you?"

Concern etched across Fahim's face as he replied, "Yes, Dua."

Apprehension lingered in Dua's voice as she said to Fahim,
"I hope this isn't some kind of prank, bhai."

Reassuringly, Fahim assured her,
"It's not, Dua."

Placing her hands on Dua's shoulders, Nabiha asked with genuine concern,

"Dua, are you okay?"

Dua nodded, silently indicating that she was fine.

"Thank you, Fahim bhai, for informing me. I mean, I was being foolish. Never mind, it was inevitable. I'm fine," Dua managed to say through her controlled emotions and suppressed tears. She added,

"I think we should go now. Nabiha, I'll be waiting in the car outside. Join me."

With those words, Dua exited the room, leaving Nabiha and Fahim alone.

"Nabiha, please take care of her. She seems disturbed and traumatized,"

Fahim pleaded with eyes filled with care and love for his sister, Dua.

Nabiha took Fahim's hand and reassured him,

"Don't worry, she's not just your sister, but also my best friend. I'll look after her."

Fahim's worried expression softened as he squeezed Nabiha's hand gratefully.

As Nabiha reached the car, Dua was already sitting inside, her gaze fixed on the passing traffic. Nabiha slid into the driver's seat next to her, her comforting presence palpable.

"Dua, are you sure you're okay?" Nabiha asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

Dua turned to face her, a weak smile on her lips.

"I'll be fine, Nabiha," she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Nabiha reached out to hold Dua's hand in a reassuring grip. And said "You're the strongest and I'm with you always and forever.

Nabiha was watching as Dua walked towards her house. Suddenly, Nabiha asked,
"Dua, do you want me to stay with you?"

"No, you go take rest. I'm fine," Dua replied with a pale face.

Nabiha nodded and watched as Dua continued walking towards her home.


Sabar returned from his practice, exhausted yet exhilarated. Collapsing onto his bed, he reached into his pocket, eagerly searching for his phone. Finally finding it, he held it in his hands, marveling at its sleek design. A rush of affection washed over him as he blushed, gently pressing his lips against the screen. In a hushed voice, he whispered,

"My precious Sona, you are my everything, my love!"

A warm glow spread across Sabar's cheeks as he gazed fondly at his phone.
Lost in his musings, he was interrupted by the entrance of his mother.

"Well, well, who's the cause of my son's rosy cheeks?"
she inquired playfully.

Sabar swiftly rose from his bed and settled himself, responding,
"Just No one. , Mama."

"Come on, tell me," Sabar's mother persisted.

"It's none other than my one true love... Cricket," Sabar retorted, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"I sense some mischief in the air," Sabar's mom remarked.

Sabar couldn't help but chuckle in response.
He knew he had successfully diverted her attention from the real source of his blush. Safely hidden behind his mischievous smirk Sabar's mom left his room and Sabar continued to admire his phone.


Dua trudged towards her room, her heart shattered and her face drained of color. Dua's mom caught sight of her and inquired,
"Dua, where did you go?"

Dua gazed at her mother, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, and responded,
"I went to visit Fahim bhai; he wasn't feeling well."
"Oh, is he better now?" Dua's mom asked.
"Yeah, he's fine," Dua replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Dua, I wanted to discuss something with you. These are a few..."
Dua's mom began, but before she could continue, Dua cut her off abruptly, saying,

"Not today, Mom. I'm extremely tired. We can talk in the morning."

With that, Dua retreated into her room.

Dua's room felt suffocating as she closed the door behind her, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her. She collapsed onto her bed, burying her face in her hands as the tears she had been holding back finally spilled over. The pain in her heart was unbearable, a constant ache that seemed to consume her entire being......

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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