25|Daughter-in law

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"Sabar's mom leaned back on the cozy couch and asked, "So, how much longer do you plan on remaining single?"

Sabar grinned mischievously and replied, " I'm still young!"

His mom raised an eyebrow skeptically and said, "Really? Are you sure about that?"

"Why don't you tell Mama something about her bhai?" 
a familiar voice echoed from behind. It was Seher, Sabar's sister, who had just arrived from Dubai. She wrapped her arms around their mom and exclaimed,

"I missed you, mom!"

Sabar couldn't contain his surprise and blurted out,

"Wait, weren't you supposed to come tomorrow?"

Seher giggled and hugged Sabar tightly, saying,

"I couldn't wait any longer, bhai I was missing you all. !"

Curiosity sparked in their mom's eyes as she asked , "Who is she?"

Seher playfully grinned and replied,

"Oh, just your future

Sabar nearly choked on his tea, completely caught off guard.

"What?" he exclaimed, looking at his sister in disbelief.

His mom's eyes widened in shock as she turned to Sabar.

"Is this true?" she asked, her voice filled with surprise.

Sabar playfully smacked Seher's head and said,

"Oye! Don't tease Mom like that!"

Seher laughed and defended herself,

"But mom, she's absolutely beautiful, and her brother is a talented player for the Bangladesh team!"

A slight smile appeared on Sabar's mom's face as she replied,

"Oh? So a Bengali girl has captured my son's heart?"

Sabar quickly shook his head and confidently said,

"No, Mom, it's not like that at all." He looked away, trying to hide his blush

Sabar couldn't resist teasing her sister again so Sabar playfully smacked Seher's head once more,  and said,

"Come on, mama, don't believe her! Seher is just being silly!

"Did you guys meet her?" Sabar's mom asked.

"Yes, we have met her about three times in a row," Sabar responded.

"How is she then?" Sabar's mother asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"She is a very unique and intriguing girl, both nonexpressive and yet expressive, shy, and simply amazing," Sabar replied, expressing his admiration for Dua.

"Wouldn't you say she's also helpful?" Seher asked.

"Of course! How could I forget? I got lost in Dhaka and she was the one who helped me out. Coincidentally, Fahim, her brother, happened to be my teammate and everything was sorted out on time," Sabar replied.

"She even gave me her friend's ticket to the match. Trust me, Mama, she is the sweetest girl. I liked her," Seher added.

"Wow, it seems like both of my children are smitten with Dua," Sabar's mother replied.

"Seems like Sabar Bhai is smitten much" seher giggled.

Sabar glanced at Seher with a death glare and replied

" I'll kill you Small rat "

Seher and her mom Both chuckled.

 Sabar hugged Seher and his mom, and the trio laughed joyfully in their cozy living room filled with love and happiness.


Dua had been fixated on her phone screen for what felt like an eternity, swiping through pictures of Sabar in her gallery and erasing them one by one. Her eyes welled up with tears as her mother entered the room and inquired,
"Dua, what's the matter?"

Swiftly concealing her phone, Dua regained her composure before responding,

"Nothing, Mom."

"I've noticed that you haven't been eating properly for the past week. Your eyes are swollen, and you appear distressed. What's wrong? Please, tell me," her mother persisted.

Dua glanced at her mother and replied, "Nothing, Mom. You're overthinking. I'm fine."

"Dua, I'm your mother. Share with me," her mother insisted.

Dua had no intention of divulging anything about Sabar, so she retorted, "Mom, I don't want to marry that Ahad Adam Mirza guy or anyone else."

"Oh, is that all?" her mother replied.

"Yes," Dua affirmed.

Dua's mother chuckled and beckoned,

"Come here."

Dua gently rested her head on her mother's lap, and her mother placed a comforting hand on Dua's own, continuing,

"Dua, you don't need to fret so much. We are your parents, and we only want what's best for you. However, at some point, marriage will be a part of your life, won't it? So it's better to embrace it now. Adam is a wonderful man, a doctor, and you're soon to be an engineer. It's a perfect match."

Dua nodded, tears streaming down her face, and whispered,


And in that very moment, Nabiha appeared and exclaimed

"Looks like I arrived at the wrong time."

‎ "Nabiha  Come here," Dua's mother

Dua rose from her mother's  embrace, and Nabiha noticed the distress in Dua's eyes, so she embraced her tightly.

"Nabiha, how is your father doing now?" Dua's mother inquired.

"Alhamdulillah, Aunty, he is much better now and on the road to recovery."

"Alhamdulillah, that's wonderful news," Dua's mother replied. She added,

"Just help your best friend and make her understand, Nabiha. She was crying over marriage."

Nabiha glanced at Dua, and Dua cast her gaze downwards.

"Alright, I'll bring you something to eat. Dua hasn't had anything since last night," Dua's mother stated.

As Nabiha settled into the seat beside Dua, a heavy silence hung in the air. Dua's eyes welled up with tears, her emotions finally breaking free from the dam she had built around her heart. Dua tightly embraced Nabiha, pouring out her heartache through her sobs, whispering,

"I knew he wasn't meant to be mine, yet I loved him'.,why this happen to me always?.

Thank you for reading, i hope you all are liking, Please follow and vote..
And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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