6| (Excited)

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As the game progressed, Sabar took a wicket, and Dua's reaction was priceless. She screamed with joy as if she had won the lottery. Seher was astonished by Dua's happiness. What was it about Sabar's arrival that made Dua so excited?

The cricket match has come to an end, and unfortunately, Sabar's team faced defeat. Despite this, Sabar played an outstanding game, scoring an impressive 63 runs from just 29 balls and taking 2 wickets. As the match ended, Dua was ready to leave the stadium and said goodbye to Seher, thanking her for the lovely meeting and the fun they had watching cricket together. However, Seher didn't want Dua to leave so soon and asked if she would like to meet Fahim or Sabar bhai before leaving.

Upon hearing Sabar's name, Dua hesitated, as she knew that meeting him would bring back her emotions and regrets of not telling him her true feelings. Seher noticed the change in Dua's demeanor after hearing Sabar's name.

Trying to hide her emotions, Dua replied to Seher,

"Maybe next time, Seher? It's getting late, and I need to go home."

Dua pretended that her mom had called her several times, adding,

"I can meet Fahim bhai anytime, no problem."

Seher didn't want to force Dua to stay and bid her goodbye. Dua.

Dua left the Stadium calling an uber.

Seher set off towards the team hotel after Dua had left, hoping to meet Sabar there. When she reached Sabar, she congratulated him and said she was proud of him for playing so well that day. Sabar responded by thanking his sister but also mentioning that it was a bad day for him. Seher tried to console him by saying that

"bad days happen and it's okay"

. Sabar then asked Seher if she enjoyed her first match in Bangladesh, to which she replied positively,

"yes I did but someone else seemed to have enjoyed watching you more than the match itself."

Sabar was a little confused and asked Seher

"What you mean by that"? Who?"

Seher replied with a single word - "Dua"

. This caught Sabar off guard, and he confusedly smiled and said" Dua?

What, why you would feel like this seher?

Seher voiced her suspicion,

"I feel like she likes you."

Sabar, with a puzzled expression, squinted his eyes and replied,

"Oh? Who doesn't like me? I'm unique and special, you know that, right?"

Seher agreed, "Of course, you are bhai, but I think Dua likes you differently."

Sabar was taken aback

"She just met me yesterday, how could she like me in one day?

Seher, with a hint of uncertainty on her face, replied, "I don't know."

Sabar, feeling tired, bid farewell, to her and said

"Okay, bye. I'm tired now. I need to take some rest. Go to your room and call Mom and Dad. They were asking about you."

Seher went to her room.

Dua had just reached home and was about to ring the doorbell when she noticed Nabiha step out of the lift. Nabiha looked exhausted and upset, so Dua walked up to her and gave her a warm, comforting hug while asking how her day had been.

Nabiha replied with a sigh,

"I just came from the hospital. It was a very long and tiring day.

"How's uncle doing? What did the doctors say today?" Dua asked.

Nabiha put on a reassuring smile and said,

"He's stable for now, but his condition isn't improving either. He's just surviving, somehow."

Nabiha's eyes filled with tears, and she said,

"It's so hard to see him like this every day. I feel so helpless."

Dua held her hand and said,

"I know it's tough, but you have to be strong and keep praying for him. Allah will never let you down."

Nabiha nodded in agreement and asked,

"How was your day? How was the match and Did you meet Sabar today?"

Dua's expression changed, and she said with a hint of frustration,

"I did, but you won't believe what happened. I'll tell you everything, but first, you need to go home, freshen up, and rest. We can have dinner together later, okay?"

Nabiha smiled at Dua and said,

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. I'll see you in a bit."

Dua watched Nabiha go into her apartment before going into hers. She couldn't help but worry about Nabiha's father's health and hoped that he would recover soon.

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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