23. I'll tell him

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Dua was lost in her thoughts, sitting on her balcony and contemplating her chaotic life. As she gazed at the sky, her deep thinking was interrupted by a knock on her door.

"Hey, it's me, Nabiha!"

Dua smiled and said,
"Yeah, come in."
Nabiha entered the room and joined Dua on the balcony.
"What's up?" she asked, playfully nudging Dua.

"Ahad Adam Mirza," Dua replied, still lost in her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about? That cardiologist with three names," Nabiha replied.

Dua chuckled and said, "Please."

"I wonder how he spells his name, A D A M or A D E M," Nabiha sarcastically remarked.

"I don't even want to know or care," Dua replied, a mischievous smile on her face.

Nabiha tightly gripped Dua's arm, her eyes filled with excitement.

"So What's the plan? Our girl is graduating in just a month!" she exclaimed.

Dua couldn't help but smile at her friend's enthusiasm.

"Well, honestly, I don't have any plans. I'm afraid that if I do graduate, they'll immediately arrange a marriage with that Adam Ahad Mirza," Dua confessed.

Nabiha's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Are you serious?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Dua nodded firmly. "Serious," she replied, her tone leaving no room for doubt.

By The way, did you know that Sabar didn't play in yesterday's match? He suddenly left for Pakistan," she informed Nabiha.

Nabiha nodded knowingly. "Yeah, I already knew that," she muttered.

"What you knew that? Dua asked Nabiha With confusion.

Nabiha's face turned pale as she stammered, "N...No, of course not! How could I have known?

" yeah, right Through Instagram " Dua replied with a sigh.

"I didn't check Instagram nabiha replied with a smile. Leaving Dua feel a bit suspicious


Sabar arrived in Pakistan and was greeted by his driver. They headed straight to his home.

"Sir, we've been waiting for you," Sabar's driver said.

"Thank you, Karim bhai. You always say that, as if it's not the first time. I was only gone for a week," Sabar replied.

"Nevertheless, we missed you. By the way, whenever you return from a foreign country, you usually look exhausted. But this time, you seem very happy and relaxed," the driver remarked.

Sabar smiled and responded,
"When the heart is happy, the face becomes happy too."
Sabar quietly tiptoed into his house, hoping to surprise his mom. However, the moment he stepped inside, his mom caught him red-handed.

"Sabar, I knew it was you," his mom said with a knowing smile.

Sabar couldn't help but bite his tongue and replied,

"Oh Mama, how do you always figure it out?"
"I'm your mom, you forget that," Sabar's mom replied playfully.

Overwhelmed with joy, Sabar hugged his mom tightly and whispered,

"I missed you."
His mom reciprocated the hug and said,
"I missed you too, my dear."

Curiosity got the better of Sabar as he asked,
"Where is baba?"

A Love Delayed, A Dream Renewed.  Where stories live. Discover now