5| (Match day)

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As the match day approached, Dua found herself in a dilemma whether to attend the match or not. She confided in her friend Nabiha and asked if she had any plans to go. Nabiha responded that she won't be able to make it as she had an important hospital appointment that day. Dua understood and respected her friend's situation.

Nabiha was about to inquire about Sabar, but Dua pleaded with her not to bring up his name. She couldn't bear the thought of talking about the person she had lost and the feelings she couldn't express. Dua became emotional and tears welled up in her eyes.

Nabiha comforted her and gave her a warm hug, assuring her that everything will be alrigh.

Dua was ready to go to the stadium for the match that was scheduled to start at 2:30 pm. She knew that the traffic in Dhaka could be unpredictable at times, so she left her house at 11:00 am to make sure that she arrived on time. As she was about to leave, she realized that she had forgotten something and had to go back inside to get it, which caused her to lose a few precious minutes. As she proceeded to the stadium, she called an Uber to take her there.

While she was on her way to the stadium, Dua received an unexpected call from Fahim, who was one of her cousins brother. Dua was surprised to see Fahim's name on her phone because he never used his phone before his matches. When she answered the call and said hello, Fahim got straight to the point and asked

, "Do you have an extra ticket for today's match?"

Dua felt that Fahim was being rude and replied,

"Excuse me, you don't need to be so rude, brother."

Fahim realized his mistake and apologized,

"My sister, sorry. Now tell me, do you have any tickets?"

Dua replied,

"Yes, I do. And I'm on my way to the stadium

." Fahim was pleased and asked,

"Great, can I have it please?"

Dua agreed and asked,

"But for whom? Don't tell me you're going to watch the match with me without playing, and laughed."

Fahim replied, "Shut up. It's for Sabar's sister."

Dua was surprised and asked,

"For Seher?"

Iqra aziz as- Seher Rhaman (sabar's sister)

Fahim was curious and asked, "Yes, but how do you know her name?"

Dua got nervous, but Fahim interrupted and said

"Anyways, come to the stadium. See you soon."

Dua said goodbye, and Fahim hung up.

Dua was relieved that Fahim didn't ask her any more questions about Sabar's sister because she was not prepared to answer them. She wondered how Fahim knew that she knew Sabar's sister's name. She brushed aside the thought and continued her journey to the stadium, looking forward to the match.

Dua reached the Stadium and sent a message to Fahim informing him of her arrival. She then proceeded to the Grand VIP stand where she had a panoramic view of the entire stadium. Suddenly, she heard Fahim calling her from behind,


Dua turned around and was thrilled to see Fahim, Sabar and Seher approaching her.

As Dua saw Sabar, her face lit up with joy and her heart started beating fast. Sabar was someone she had never thought she would meet again, but destiny had brought them together.

Sabar greeted Dua sweetly saying, "Hi".

Dua replied with a quivering voice, "Hey".

Sabar then introduced his sister Seher to Dua.

"Meet my sister Seher" he said

. Dua asked Seher, "Hey, how are you Seher?".

Seher replied, "Hey, I'm good. Sabar bhai told me about yesterday's incident. Thanks for helping him".

Dua was pleased to hear that Sabar had spoken to Seher about her. She replied humbly,

"The pleasure was all mine".

She was grateful that she had been able to help Sabar in some way and was happy to see him and meet his sister.

Fahim was explaining to Dua that he had an extra ticket for Seher, but unfortunately, he was unable to find any tickets for her at the last moment. Dua, being a kind and generous person, offered her extra ticket to Seher, explaining that her friend was supposed to accompany her but couldn't make it due to an emergency. Dua's friend had gifted her the tickets, and she was more than happy to share them with Seher.

Seher was moved by Dua's generosity and felt grateful for her help. She couldn't believe the coincidence that Dua had helped Sabar yesterday and was now helping her today.

"Seems like allah has made you Only to help us Sarcastically said seher..

She thanked Dua for her kindness, and Dua smiled back at her.

Thank you for reading, i hope you all are liking, Please follow and vote..
And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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