20. Head is spinning

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Fahim took a sip of his coffee and exclaimed,
"Dua and Sabar? How on earth did love bloom in just 4 days?"
Nabiha fired back,
"Not 4 days, but 4 years!"

Fahim coughed in shock, "4 years?
What the heck? And you were mad at me for not telling anyone about our relationship, but look at you! Such a silly goose!"

Dua glanced at Nabiha with an uncomfortable and guilty expression. Finally, Dua mustered up the courage to speak and replied,

"Well, the thing is..." Before Dua could finish, Fahim interrupted,

"The thing is, you and Sabar have been dating for 4 years! And wait, I'm calling Sabar right now!"

Dua panicked and shouted,

"No, we're not dating!"

Fahim looked at Dua with confusion and said, "Do you think I'm dumb? I'm calling Sabar no matter what!"

"Fahim, hold on! Dua and Sabar aren't actually dating," Nabiha interjected

"My head is spinning, seriously!"
Fahim exclaimed, feeling like a human tornado.
"It's a one-sided boss," Dua
awkwardly replied, attempting to do a balancing act with her smile.

"Channa mereya, mereya, channa mereya," Fahim started singing, only to be met with a death stare from Dua, causing him to hit the brakes on his musical performance.

"I don't understand why you didn't mention your feelings to Sabar when you saw him yesterday," Fahim asked Dua, his expression filled with surprise.

Nabiha interrupted, "Hold on dua, you saw Sabar yesterday? Why didn't you inform me?"

"Because she's got a bun in the oven," Fahim blurted out.

"What in the world? Dua, you're expecting?" Nabiha exclaimed, her eyes popping out like a cartoon character.

In defense, Dua fired back, "Honestly, you two need to go on a brain hunt and find your lost marbles,and Fahim bhai, have you lost your mind.? "dua scolded.

She then spoke more softly, "You don't understand the struggle of expressing love. Falling in love is easy, but expressing that love is harder, especially when it's unexpected. It's difficult, very difficult." Dua's eyes began to tear up.

"God save me, this is more dangerous than an archer's bowling,why you are crying? " Fahim chuckled and replied.

There was an awkward silence in the air, Dua was looking at Nabiha, Nabiha was looking at Fahim, and Fahim was looking at both of them.

Okay bye, see you Guy's never" Fahim sarcastically Said and left.

"What was the need to tell Fahim bhai about this Nabi?"

Dua asked Nabiha with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, you know I didn't do it intentionally," Nabiha replied with a puppy face.
Dua embraced Nabiha and asked,

"What should I call you now? Bhabi?" Nabiha blushed and said,

"Shut up Dua."


"But sir I have got a contract with my franchise to play one more game and It's tomorrow." Sabar On the video call, he was speaking with the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board.

"I'm sorry sabar but it's Your choice if you are prioritizing Your personal interest more than National duties."The chairman of the PCB responded.

"No definitely not sir but this is About commitment and I knew there was no international matches duiring this schedule."Sabar responded firmly.

"yes You're right, we are making sure all of our main key players stays fit before international matches" . Chairman of the PCB.

"OK then, I'll be back tomorrow," Sabar answered. And then I hung up.
After hanging up the phone, Sabar took a deep breath and began packing his belongings.

Sabar was busy packing his clothes into a bag when he heard a knock on his door.

"Can I come in?" asked the person outside. "Yes, come in," Sabar replied. As the door opened, he saw Fahim standing there.

"Hi buddy!" Fahim said as he entered the room. "Oh, Fahim, it's you. Come in," Sabar replied, pleased to see his friend.

Fahim noticed Sabar's packing and asked, "Why are you packing now? We have a match tomorrow."

"Yeah, but my NOC is canceled. I'm leaving tonight," Sabar replied, sounding a bit upset.

"What? All of a sudden?" Fahim asked with a sad expression.

Sabar explained, "Yeah, I got the call sometime ago, and I need to leave. I also talked with the management, and they are okay with it."

Fahim sighed, "I will miss you, brother," and gave Sabar a hug.

"I'll miss you too, but let's meet soon after five months. We have an ODI series against Bangladesh," Sabar replied with a smile.

Fahim nodded, "Yeah, I know, but don't know if I will be in the team."

"Come on, you're the key player for Bangladesh, and you will play," Sabar replied firmly.

"I will hit big sixes off your bowling," Fahim joked.
Sabar chuckled and replied,

"And I will take your wicket on my bowl."

They both laughed, remembering their good times together

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And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all🫶🏻✨

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