2. You?) ☁

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As they chatted about their university, Nabiha noticed that Dua had parked their car across the road, despite there being a 'no parking' sign.

"Did you park the car there?" Nabiha asked.

"Yes, so we can keep an eye on it from the cafe," Dua replied.

"So you parked opposite the road to have a view of the car, but you missed the 'no parking' sign?" Nabiha said.

Dua looked outside from the cafe's window and said, "I'm sorry! It wasn't there before, I swear."

"We have to move the car, or the traffic police will fine us, and we don't have the money for that," Nabiha said.

"Okay, let me park it in the cafe's parking area," Dua suggested.

"No, stay here. I'll park it this time. I gave you one chance already, and I saw what you did. If you go, you'll mess it up for sure," Nabiha replied.

Okay, calm down, girl. My mind was somewhere else, and I didn't notice the board. I accept my mistake; now you accept my apology as well," replied Dua.

"Come out of your delusion," replied Nabiha, and she left to park the car at a proper place.

Nabiha was walking back to the cafe after parking her car when suddenly someone called out to her from behind, saying

"Excuse me, ma'am"

. As she turned around, she was shocked by what she saw. Her facial expression clearly showed that she couldn't believe her own eyes.

Nabiha replied with a hint of confusion, "Sabar Rhaman?"

Nabiha replied with a hint of confusion, "Sabar Rhaman?"

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Bilal Abbas as -Sabar Rhaman.

Allow me to introduce you to Sabar Rhaman. He is a right-handed batsman and fast-medium bowler who plays for Pakistan's national cricket team. Additionally, he is an all-rounder in cricket.. and he happens to be the person that Dua is in love with.

"Do you recognize me?" asked Sabar.

"Indeed, I have heard quite a bit about you, and my best friend often speaks highly of you," Nabiha responded, although it may have been more of a figment of her imagination.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Sabar, bringing Nabiha back to reality.

"Yes, yes, everyone knows you. What are you doing here, by the way?" asked Nabiha.

"I came to Bangladesh to play in the BPL for the Chottogram Challengers. During a lunch break with a teammate, I lost track of them and realized that my phone's battery had died. I was unfamiliar with the area and didn't know how to find my way back to my car. However, I think you seem trustworthy, and I was hoping you could assist me." Replied Sabar

Nabiha stood there, her mind racing with confusion and uncertainty. She struggled to comprehend what to do next. Her thoughts wandered towards Dua's delusions about destiny and how they might affect her. Suddenly, she realized that this was the perfect opportunity to reveal Dua's love for Sabar to him. However, she hesitated, fearing that this revelation might ruin everything for Dua.

A Love Delayed, A Dream Renewed.  Where stories live. Discover now