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Dua and Sabar were standing outside the café, patiently waiting for Fahim to come. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind swept in from an unknown direction, causing Dua's hair to become a bit unruly. She quickly tried to fix her hair, but Sabar couldn't help but notice her in that moment. He felt an instant connection with her. Sabar thought there was something unique and alluring about Dua. Despite her occasional shyness and non-expressiveness, Sabar found her to be a truly beautiful person. From her soft-spoken words to her captivating smile, everything about her was mesmerizing to him..

Fahim, who was waiting in the car, honked the horn to get Sabar's attention. Sabar, who seemed to be lost in thought, of dua.Fahim then called out to Sabar and Dua

"Come on, get in the car!"

Dua and Sabar were traveling in the car on their way to Dua's home. During the ride, Fahim asked Sabar about his plans for marriage and made a sarcastic comment about his age. Sabar responded with humility, stating that "I hadn't given much thought to it and that he have trust in Allah's plans". However, Dua seemed a bit uncomfortable when Fahim inquired about Sabar's love life, and her feelings of jealousy were apparent.

"i feel like punching Fahim's face now" dua muttered.

Nonetheless, Sabar answered politely that he was currently single and hadn't found anyone yet..

Dua's facial expression underwent a positive transformation upon discovering Sabar's single status.
She muttered to herself,
"Look at me, I'm here, can't you see me, idiot?"

Sabar noticed that Dua said something and asked her

"Did you say something dua"

Dua panicked and quickly responded, "Oh, no, nothing. I didn't call you an idiot or anything like that."

Sabar turned around and asked,

"Excuse me? Did you just call me an idiot?"
Dua's face turned pale, "what the hell i just said " she muttered herself.

Fahim, who was sitting next to Sabar, noticed the tension in the air and decided to intervene. He said to Sabar, "Just leave it, Sabar. Dua is a bit crazy. She always says things the wrong way." Fahim wanted to diffuse the situation and prevent any further awkwardness.

The conversation then took a more lighthearted turn, with Sabar and Fahim sharing jokes..

During a conversation, Fahim told Sabar about Dua and mentioned that Dua is a huge fan of cricket. Fahim was curious whether Dua would be attending the cricket match the next day. Upon hearing Fahim's question, Dua responded in the affirmative and assured him that she would be present to watch Fahim play.

Sabar glanced at the front mirror of the car and noticed Dua typing away on her phone with a look of nervousness on her face. As they arrived at Dua's home, she couldn't believe how quickly time had passed. She had hoped for heavy traffic so that she could spend more time with Sabar, fearing it could be their first and last meeting Despite her conflicting emotions, Dua managed to regain her composure and stepped out of the car..

Sabar turned to Dua and said,

" Dua, it was so great to meet you! Thanks for all your help. Let's definitely catch up again soon."

Dua beamed and replied,

"Absolutely! Same to you, Sabar. Take care and "I'm sorry for calling you an idiot, Sabar. That was wrong of me."

"It's okay i can understand, Bye". Sabar replied.

As The car drove away, Dua found herself overwhelmed with emotions. She had been holding in her feelings for so long, but now she couldn't keep them bottled up any longer. As the car turned the corner, she summoned all her courage and prepared to tell Sabar how she truly felt. But as soon as she tried to speak, tears started streaming down her face. She realized in that moment that she had been waiting for this moment for four long years, but she had missed her chance. She felt defeated and heartbroken as she walked back to her home, the weight of her unspoken feelings heavy on her heart.

Dua arrived at her home with a sense of regret. As she rang the bell, she noticed that there was a lock on Nabiha's house door. This triggered a thought in her mind that Nabiha had left the cafe because of an emergency. What if there was an emergency with her father? Dua immediately took out her phone to call Nabiha, but saw that her phone had died.

After ringing the doorbell repeatedly, Dua's mother finally opened the door for her. As soon as Dua entered the house, her mother asked about the well-being of Nabiha's father. It was then that Dua realized that Nabiha's emergency was related to her father. However, she didn't want to reveal about Sabar to her mom, so she simply said that

"I didn't know much that and Nabiha had met me but left university due to an emergency and didn't tell me what actually happend. "

On that same night, Nabiha arrived home from the hospital with her father. As soon as Dua heard about Nabiha's arrival, she rushed to her friend's home to see her and her father. Dua went to Nabiha's room to meet her.

As soon as Nabiha saw Dua, she burst into tears and embraced her tightly. Dua asked,

"What happened, Nabi? Please tell me."

Nabiha couldn't stop crying for a while. After some time, she replied that

"dad was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer and had only 40% chances of survival. "

Dua stunned and embraced nabiha, and told her not to worry, told her to have faith in Allah.

A Love Delayed, A Dream Renewed.  Where stories live. Discover now