12| Caring her ☁

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As the evening progressed, Falaq remembered that she had tuitions at her friend's house and had to leave for the tuitions. Dua's aunt Flora suggested that everyone should go out for dinner. Fahim excitedly mentioned how she was looking forward to her mother's cooking after so many days and turned to Sabar, saying,

"Let's go, Sabar."

Sabar, surprised, replied,

"You didn't tell me that we were having dinner here."

Fahim then reminded him of the time

, "It's already 9, and do you think mom will let you leave without having dinner?"

Sabar, taken aback, sarcastically remarked,

"Fahim, you are such a player."

As everyone headed towards the dining room, Dua's Aunt Flora served food and Dua helped her aunt by setting the table. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. Dua's Aunt Flora had prepared a delicious meal,

Fahim asked Dua to serve them food.

Dua's aunt replied

"Fahim, please let Dua be. She's visited us after so many days,"

Fahim, who was always known for his playful nature, replied,

"Sometimes I feel like my mother has two daughters, Dua and Falaq.

It's like I don't have any respect."

Dua's aunt, who understood Fahim's playful nature, was quick to reassure Sabar.

"Don't mind him. He's always teased Dua since they were children.

But Dua is such a nice child and never argues with Fahim,"

she said, tapping Fahim's head.

Sabar, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up.

"No aunty, that's such a sweet relationship between them. I love it,"he said, smiling at Dua.

Dua, who was feeling nervous about sitting with Sabar, smiled back at him after hearing his kind words. Aunt Flora then served food on Sabar and Fahim's plates and told Dua,

"Darling, you sit too. It's getting late."

Dua hesitated for a moment, feeling anxious about sitting with Sabar.

"No aunt, I will have dinner with Falaq," she replied.

Aunt Flora, tried to convince her to sit with them.

"She will come, and I will have dinner with her. You sit and have food,"

she said, gently forcing Dua to sit at the dining table and serving her food.

"Mom is right, Dua. Sit and give us company," added Fahim.

Dua was sitting at table, enjoying her dinner, when Fahim, asked her a question.

"Dua, do you want to come and watch the second match on November 12th? We're playing against Dhaka Dynamics," asked Fahim.

Dua hesitated for a moment before replying,

"I wish I could, but I have classes and a quiz that day, so I can't."

Deep down, however, Dua really wanted to go, not for the match, but to see Sabar.

"Oh, and did you know that it's Sabar's last match at BPL this year?"

said Fahim.

"What?" exclaimed Dua, her eyes widening in shock.

She quickly lowered her voice and said, " really "

"Yeah, my contract is only for two matches. After that

, I'll be going back to Pakistan," said Sabar.

Dua felt a wave of sadness wash over her after hearing that Sabar was returning to Pakistan. Her face turned into a look of disappointment, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit heartbroken.

During dinner, Dua noticed that Fahim was putting a generous portion of the chicken roast on Sabar's plate. Sabar was about to take a bite when Dua suddenly shouted,

"No, Sabar! Don't eat it. It has peanut paste!"

Fahim and Aunt Flora looked at Dua with surprise, not quite understanding what was going on. Sensing the awkwardness, Dua quickly explained,

"Actually, I was just warning Sabar that it has peanuts. Many people are allergic to it, so I was just making sure Sabar was aware."

Sabar immediately dropped his spoon and confirmed, "Yes, she's right. I'm allergic to peanuts."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. Sorry, Sabar," Fahim apologized.

"It's okay. No big deal. At least, I didn't eat it," Sabar replied with a smile.

He looked at Dua with gratitude and said, "Thank you, Dua."

Dua replied with a sheepish smile, "You're welcome," "

They finished dinner and Falaq came home from her tuitions and went to her room. After chilling for a while, Fahim told his mom that it was late and they needed to leave for the team hotel. However, his mother suggested that they stay and meet Fahim's aunt and uncle who were coming to pick up Dua. Dua, who had been standing in a corner, lost in thought, wanted to tell Sabar how she felt, but she couldn't gather the courage. Fahim declined his mom's offer and asked Dua if it was okay to leave. Dua, who was still lost in her thoughts, apologized for not understanding what they were talking about. Fahim and Sabar headed towards the door to leave.

Dua's aunt, Flora, asked Dua to see them off, and Dua obediently agreed.

The three of them came downstairs, and Fahim realized that he had forgotten his car keys and had not even said goodbye to Falaq yet. He asked Sabar and Dua to wait for him and went back upstairs to retrieve the keys. He then joked with Dua to take care of Sabar and not let him get lost again before heading to upstairs.

Dua smiled and replied,

"Go now."

Fahim left, leaving Sabar and Dua.

Thank you for reading, i hope you all are liking, Please follow and vote..
And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all Sorry if this part was boring. More interesting parts are coming. ❤️🌸

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