22. heartbreak ☁

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Sabar just posted an Instagram story saying

"Finally leaving this breathtaking country. Can't wait to come back soon!"

He even captured the moment on the plane, right before the announcement for shutting off phones was made. As he turned off his phone, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Sabar whispered to himself

"I've never felt this excited and sad at the same time while leaving a place. In sha Allah, I'll be back before you know it!"

Dua was scrolling through her Instagram feed when she saw a story from Sabar.

"What the heck, Sabar left? But why? Doesn't he have a match today?"

Dua teared up after seeing Sabar's story on Instagram. She thought about messaging him on DM but she couldn't. She looked at herself in the mirror and said,

"At least he could have said bye to me. But why would he? I'm just a random girl he met."

Frustrated, Dua slammed her phone on the bed and grabbed a tissue to wipe away her tears. Suddenly, she heard her mother's voice calling her outside

" Dua your dad is calling you to come here"

"May I come in?" Dua knocked on the door of her father's study room.

"Of course, come in, my dear," Dua's father responded.

Dua settled down with anticipation, curious about what her father had to say. She anxiously rubbed her hands together, attempting to remain composed. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by her father's voice.

"Dua, my friend and his wife were impressed by you, and they have shared your photo with their son. They are awaiting his approval," Dua's father informed her.

Dua's already upset expression grew even more distressed upon hearing this news. She didn't know how to respond, so she simply pondered silently and nodded with a "hmm."

Dua's father looked at her with a sigh and inquired, "So, what is your opinion?"

Dua forced a painful smile and replied, "Opinion, Dad? My opinion? Thank goodness you asked, at least. I have nothing to say if you decide that I will marry a man whom I have never seen, never met, and haven't even seen his picture yet. I don't have a problem with this."

Dua's father sighed and glanced at her. "What do you desire?"

"Time, Dad. I need time to think," Dua responded.

"How much time do you even require?" Dad replied with frustration.

"The amount of time necessary for me to determine what is best for myself and what is not," Dua replied, standing up and leaving the room.

Dua was sitting alone in her room, tears streaming down her face as she spoke to her Lord. She felt utterly helpless and lost, never before having been in such a pathetic and hopeless situation. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her, and she couldn't understand how Allah could allow it to happen.

"I have never been in such a pathetic situation before. How could you do this to me, Allah? I trusted you and your plan. Ya Allah, please show me the right path and have mercy on me. Only you know how much I love sabar. I cried to you for Sabar and you accepted my prayers, but yet I was unable to express my feelings and now he is also gone."

Dua was sitting and tearfully expressing her feelings to her Lord. She felt shattered and alone, but she knew that Allah was always with her, listening to her prayers and guiding her through her struggles.


"did he mention this to you?" nabiha a asked fahim as they sat at a cozy cafe.

"Yes, he did. I was quite surprised to hear that he had a girlfriend," Fahim replied.

"But Dua did all the research, and she confirmed with his manager that he never had a girlfriend," Nabiha responded.

"It doesn't make any sense. Being a public figure, he wouldn't disclose his relationship status to the public," Fahim explained.

Lost in her thoughts, Nabiha was interrupted by Fahim. "Where did you wander off to?"

"I was just thinking about Dua," Nabiha replied, glancing at Fahim with a concerned look..

You know, Fahim, her love is not just some ordinary crush or celebrity infatuation. She has always loved Sabar unconditionally, without any expectations. Her love is incredibly pure, even... Even though I've told her countless times to stop thinking about him, she never gave up. She held onto her faith that one day he would come, if her love for him was true. It's unbelievable, Fahim, I can't even imagine how she will react," Nabiha said to Fahim, her voice trembling.

"Why on earth did you guys keep this a secret from me? I mean, I may be a sports person, but I can also be a Rishtawali! You know, I have hidden talents," Fahim exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Nabiha, clearly annoyed, retorted, "Are you seriously trying to make light of this serious situation? This is not the time for jokes, Fahim!"

Fahim, rolling his eyes, apologized, "Okay, okay, sorry. But seriously, why all the drama? How did Dua even find out Sabar .

Nabiha sighed and explained,

"He's not just a celebrity or a crush to her. He's someone who has touched her soul in ways she can't even fully comprehend. I don't know where she saw him, but she's in love with him."

Fahim, utterly confused, asked, "Touched her soul? By playing cricket? That's a new one."

Nabiha, feeling exasperated, replied, "You'll never understand, Fahim. Just zip your mouth and let it be."

Fahim couldn't help but shake his head and mutter, "Man, my girlfriend and sister are so weird." before replying
"Of course, I won't understand. I'm a cricketer, not a love specialist." Fahim replied

" shut up and tell me what's the name of that girl?" Nabiha asked.

"Her name is S...!"

Hey everyone, thank you for reading. I'm sorry for not posting longer chapters, my exams are going on. Hope you all understand. Please vote if you liked it. Happy reading! ❤️

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