13 | ( She loves me?)

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Dua was in a state of confusion. She had been contemplating whether or not she should tell him that she loves him. He was leaving in three days, and she couldn't help but wonder if he would ever return to Bangladesh. The thought of never seeing him again weighed heavily on her mind. It felt like the perfect moment to confess her feelings, but she couldn't muster the courage to tell him. Dua muttered to herself, trying to gather the courage to speak to him.

Finally, Dua made up her mind to tell him how she felt. Just as she was about to speak,
Sabar had been keeping a close eye on Dua for a while, but was hesitant to approach her. Eventually, he mustered up the courage to ask her a question that had been on his mind for some time.
"Dua," he said tentatively, "I'm curious - how did you know that I'm allergic to peanuts?"
Dua's response was hesitant and slightly awkward, but also confident. With a small smile, she simply said, "It's just common sense."

Sabar chuckled and shared,
"My peanut allergy is something very personal, and I have only confided in my family and a few close friends. I am not very vocal about it otherwise. I met you Just yesterday how would you know this?
In response, Dua expressed,
"You know Sabar, being close to someone is not just about physical proximity. Even when we are far away, we can show affection and concern that can bring people closer to each other."

"How is that possible?" Sabar asked.
"Through love," Dua replied.
Sabar appeared unsure about what Dua meant and wondered to himself, "Is she trying to imply that she loves me and feels close to me, or is she saying that I am already close to her and I love her?"

"whats wrong with me shit shit shit, what the hell i'm saying "dua muttered under her breathe.

Sabar was About say a word Just as he was about to speak, a car honked, Dua saw that it was her parents who had arrived. a car honked, and she saw that it was her parents who had arrived. Dua's heart sank as she realized she may not have another chance to tell him. To make matters worse, Fahim had also arrived at the same time. Dua's father and mother stepped out of the car and were surprised to see Dua and Fahim downstairs.

"Dua, what are you doing downstairs, and who is this guy?" asked Dua's dad.
Fahim greeted Dua's parents and replied,
"Assalamualaikum mamu and mami, he is my friend and a fast bowler from Pakistan. He is here to play in BPL, and we had a day off today, so we thought to visit my home."
Dua's father was suspicious and asked,
"That's nice, but what was Dua doing here?
" Dua replied, "Dad, I came to see off Fahim bhai."
Fahim introduced Sabar to his uncle, who happened to be Dua's father.
"Sabar, meet my uncle,"
Fahim said as he gestured towards dua's dad who was standing beside him. Sabar cordially greeted him with a
"Assalamualaikum sir, nice to meet you".
In return, Dua's father, Dr. Faiz Karim, replied with a smile,
"Walaikum Assalam, nice to meet you too. I'm Dr. Faiz Karim, Fahim's uncle and Dua's dad".
Both of them shook hands.
Sabar also greeted Dua's mother with warmth and politeness.
Fahim then informed them that they had to leave as they were getting late. Dua's father bid them farewell, wishing them luck. As Fahim and Sabar left, Dua felt a sense of regret for not being able to confess her feelings. She wondered if she would ever get another chance to tell him.

Thank you for reading, i hope you all are liking, Please follow and vote..
And stay tuned for what happens next!
Love you all Sorry if this part was boring. More interesting parts are coming.! ❤️

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