30 | Injured

28 3 1

Babar encouraged his teammate Sabar with the words,

"All the best Sabar, rock it on the field,"

before the start of the first match of the ODI series between Pakistan and South Africa. As Pakistan won the toss, they decided to bat first and Sabar, along with his fellow opener Imamul Haque, walked towards the pitch. Sabar adjusted his helmet and exchanged a quick hand-bounce with Imamul Haque to show their unity and readiness to face the South African team. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Sabar took his position on the pitch, ready to give his best performance and help his team win the match.
As soon as the match commenced, Sabar smashed a four on the very first ball. He continued to play at a rapid pace, taking daring shots. Observing his aggressive gameplay, his teammate Imam, who was on the opposite side of the pitch, jokingly remarked,

"Oye Sabar, take it easy! No one is in a hurry to go home."

Sabar acknowledged Imam's advice with a nod...


Over the past few weeks, Dua has been completely engrossed in her efforts to apply for higher education in Australia. She has been meticulously researching different universities, scholarships, and other opportunities to advance her studies in her chosen field. In addition to that, she has been working hard to gather all the necessary documents and paperwork required for her application process, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other important paperwork
Dua was having a tough time with her University application, so she decided to seek help from Fahim, who happened to be both a computer engineer and a cricketer. When Dua rang the bell, her aunt Flora opened the door and gave her a warm hug.

"Hi, jello pelo!" Fahim greeted Dua with a big smile.

"Why do you always call me that? It's kind of funny," Dua asked, amused.

"Because it suits you perfectly!" Fahim chuckled, turning on the TV.

"Oh? Surely you can come up with something more creative," Dua replied playfully.

"So, what's troubling you, my dear sis??" Fahim asked, genuinely concerned.

"Well, I've been applying to the University of Melbourne, but it keeps saying my grades don't meet the requirements," Dua explained, retrieving her laptop from her bag.

"What? Let me see,"

Fahim exclaimed, flipping through the channels Finally, Fahim settled on an ongoing cricket match and began examining Dua's laptop to figure out the issue.

Fahim furrowed his brows as he examined Dua's laptop screen. He could see the error message that stated her grades did not apply to the course she was applying to. As a computer engineer, Fahim was well-versed in troubleshooting technical issues, but this seemed to be more of an administrative problem.

Just then, Falaq entered the room and greeted Dua. "Hey Falaq," Dua exclaimed.

"Assalamulaikummmmm Apu," Falaq replied.

"'Walaikumassalam," Dua responded.

"You never give me salam like this " Fahim retorted to Falaq, while still engrossed in his work on the laptop.

Dua chuckled, and Falaq made a face at Fahim. Suddenly, the sound of "Sabar Rhaman hitting a big six out of the ground" echoed from the TV.
Dua was caught off guard and quickly glanced at the television.

It was a match between Pakistan and South Africa. Dua paused for a
moment, and Falaq broke the silence.

"Dua api, are you okay?" Falaq asked.

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