13. Cloak

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"Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Ring the Hogwart bell. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas..." The ghosts declared as the kids filed out.

Hermione looked from the massive Christmas tree as Flitwick used his wand to put another ornament on the tree to Harry and Ron as they played Chess.

" Knight to E5." Harry demanded. The Knight moved to its destination as Hermione walked up behind Harry.

"Queen to E5." Ron countered smugly. Hermione watched as Ron's queen went over to Harry's knight and whacked the knight with her chair. Ron grinned.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermoine declared shocked.

"That's wizard's chess." Ron agreed he looked to her. "I see you've packed."

"See you haven't."

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron agreed.

"We were going to go home but mum caught a flu and hates apparating while sick." Harry remarked with a shrug. "So im here too."

"Good, two can help each other then. Harry is going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermoine agreed.

"We've looked a hundred times." Ron whined.

"Not in the restricted section." hermoine corrected leaning over and whispering to them. "Happy Christmas."

"I think we've had a bad influence on her."

Lilith was not woken up with kids jumping in the bed on christmas morning. She yawned blowing her nose before seeing the steaming mug of tea beside her. She breathed it in taking a long sip. Lilith slipped on her slippers and robe. Bundled herself up to hear severus telling the children his version of a christmas story. She laughed bringing her mug to the main room. Aria was curled up in severus lap. Harry beside them. Ser pounce playing with the ornaments on the tree. Lilith leaned on thr back of the couch kissing the top of severus head.

"Mama! Its time for presents!" Aria declared.

"Merry merry christmas my loves." Lilith declared.

"You look better." Severus remarked touching her cheek.

"We let you sleep. It was awful! Daddynsaid we had to wait. But we have been waiting forever! Mama! Forever!"

"So very sorry." Lilith agreed. "My harry," she cooed kissing his temple.

"Presents!" Aria declared running to the tree. She started tearing through her gifts.

"Alright harry this next one is special." Lilith nodded to the box.

"Thanks." He whispered pulling at the ribbon.

"Your uncle stinky..." Lilith remarked. "I..." she chuckled looking to severus. "We had some fun with this, I hope you like it."

"Ummm mum?"

"Fun, innocent fun, dont give me that look." Severus corrected. harry pulled out a blanket like object, confused he wrapped it around himself. It wasnt very warm. Aria squealed though.

"I want it!" She shouted.

"Its just a- My body is gone!" Harry shouted. "An invisbility cloak!"

"Now you know why it took us forever to find it." Severus agreed.

"This was uncle stinky's?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah but I stole it often to sneak out with your father." Lilith agreed. "This was a bad idea." Lilith mused. "Give it back I dont want you getting into trouble."

"Mum! I promise! This will be so much fun. I cant wait to show draco!"

"Oh thats trouble waiting to happen." Severus corrected.

"Sevy open your present." Lilith requested.

"Which one?" Lilith pointed to the little one on top of arias big present. Severus grabbed it before sitting back down. Lilith smiled kissing his cheek as he pulled open a little box. Severus pulled out a sleek black watch engraved with 'our love is timeless.'

"Oh Lils thank you." Severus put it on and admired it on his wrist. "It's beautiful." She leaned in kissing him again.

Lilith pulled out complete box set with sprayed and detailed edges. She gasped when she saw it.

"These are going to look great on the bookshelf!"

"You got books? Do they have pictures?" Aria questioned. "Ohh pretty."

"Open the big present aria." Severus instructed and she ran to it drumming her hands over the box.


"Famous fire eaters... 15th Century Fiends... Flamel... Nicholas Flamel... where are you?" Harry picked up a book and opens it. A man's face appears from between the pages, which screamed madly and loudly. Harry immediately slammed the book shut and put it back.

"Who's there?!" Filch shouted. Harry whiped around, and quickly grabbed his cloak, causing the lamp to fall and shatter. "I know you're in there. You can't hide." Harry put on his cloak and crept around Filch. "Who is it? Show yourself!"

Harry ran but Mrs norris was following him. He ran around the corner as Severus pushed Quirrell against the wall, Harry faltered back.

" Severus... I-I thought..."

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." Severus warned.

" W-what do you m-mean?" He stuttered back.

"You know perfectly well what I mean." Severus corrected. Severus felt a presence and noticed the shimmer of the cloak, he looked to it a moment longer and harry ran off knowing he was in big trouble. "We'll have another chat soon... when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." he added as Filch arrived, carrying the broken lantern.

"Oh, Professors. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed."

"It's the holidays, I think a student reading in the middle of the night can be excused this once." Severus assured before heading off.

"I'm sorry!" Harry declared when Severus got back to his chambers. "I have already placed the cloak on your bed and I promise never to-"

"What were you looking for?" Severus countered.

"I didnt want to bother you with it." Harry murmured.

"Harry." Severus commanded his tone dark.

"Nicholas Flamel."

"Why?" Severus questioned.

"You wouldnt believe me if I told you." Harry countered.

"Try me."

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