83. Pressure

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''You wouldn't let the dementors have me I was such a good rat.' Peter begged

'Shut up Peter.' Lilith hissed

'You're a clever girl you won't let them hurt me would you I was such a good rat please.' Peter begged as Remus dragged him away.

'Harry!' Hermione shouted she pointed up at the full moon rising it hit Remus skin and he started to transform

'Remus did you forget to take your potion?' Lilith tsked. 

'This is not who you are this is not who your heart is.' sirius told him holding him back.

"Back to the castle, now." Lilith commanded grabbing Harry. Remus dropped his wand during transformation and Peter picked it up harry disarmed him but Peter turn back into a rat scurrying off in the night as Remus struggled with his transformation

'Run!' sirius demanded Harry ran to the cliff where Sirius was thrown off of looking for his body

'Professor!' Hermione said approaching the werewolf 'professor Lupin?' But he howled into the night before taking threatening steps towards them. Severus heard the growl of a werewolf he spun around protecting the children. Lilith raised her wand, annoyed that Peter got away. Remus charged at them but Sirius came running ahead in dog form pulling at Remus they clawed and scratched each other but sirius got Remus to chase him the other way.

"Sirius!" Lilith demanded, more angry than worried.

'No,' severus told her. 'you stay.' 

"I need him alive to get into the vault." Lilith corrected.  They heard howling in the distance, lilith chased after them. 

"Inside." Severus demanded. "Now!" He commanded chasing after her. 

''They are coming Lilith." Severus warned. "he is not worth it." 

"He is if I can destroy another horcrux." Lilith corrected.  The water started to ice over as the Dementors circled.

Dementor after dementor came swooping down she raised her wand casting out the spell blocking a few before they came sucking the life out of him as well. Dementors sucked the life out of the three of them with a kiss of death approaching, Sirius life force draining, she saw Sirius dying. 

"Come on patronas dont let me down." Lilith breathed back. Severus took a deep breath steadying himself as well. Their Patronas so strong it blasted away all of the dementors. Life breathed back into Sirius as the Dementors were vanquished but the three of them dropped to the ground exhausted from the battle.

"I need your blood." Lilith repeated. 

"Can I just..." Sirius rasped out of breath. 

"Yeah yeah... after." Lilith agreed. 



"Sirius, i'm glad you are alive and for the record," Lilith interrupted. "I knew you werent a psycho but you know, Azkaban changes people."

"Lilith this is a bad idea." 

"Is it? I think this is a great idea." 

"I think Remus is going to piss himself, I'm going to vomit and you are going to die." Sirius countered. Lilith rolled her eyes strutting forward and pushing open the doors. 

"Just follow my lead."

"Where is mum?" Aria questioned. 

"Dealing with Remus." Severus drawled. 

"ANd Sirius." Harry added. 

"Is Uncle Mooney in trouble?" Aria questioned. 

"No, she is leading them to trouble." Severus countered. 

"Mr Black... welcome back." The goblin said cautiously. 

"I need to get into our family vault." Sirius commanded more confident than he felt. 

"O-of course." The goblin agreed. "I just need to see your wand... for verification." Sirius held out his wand. "T-thank you. Are all of you coming?" 

"Yes." Lilith agreed. "Now chip, chop, we are on a deadline here." 

"You know if I wasnt already sacked I would be for this." Remus murmured. 

"You were not sacked," LIlith countered. "You turned into a werewolf in front of the children and had Ronald Weasley pissing himself back to the castle. You were worse than sacked, you are never working with children again." LIlith informed him honestly.

"It was a good run." Remus countered. 

"It was." Lilith agreed. "I'm going to miss you." 

"You are going to like not having to play peace keeper between Severus and I." Remus countered. 

"Focus people," Sirius begged. "We are almost there." he smiled back at Lilith. "You remind me of James."

"Gross." Lilith countered jumping from the carriage. 

"Trouble." Sirius corrected. "He always got us into trouble." 

"Funny, I always got Severus and Lucius into trouble." Lilith agreed "Come on now." 

"What exactly are we looking for?" Sirius questioned. 

"Helga Hufflepuff's goblet I think."

"YOu think? You didnt even know if it was here?" Sirius countered. 

"I dont know what is in your vault, thats why I needed you. Now the goblins are sure to be alerting the authorities about you so we dont have a lot of time, lets get looking." 

"No pressure" Remus mumbled. Lilith turned sharply to him. 

"Correction, a lot of pressure." LIlith demanded. "Get to work!"

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