25. Nightmares

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"What a beautiful daughter you have, I havent claimed this one yet."

"Leave her alone." Lilith barked. 

"But I need them. I need them all. I am a collector you see and I need their souls... I will keep them safe in hell, hold them tight until they can no longer breathe." He chuckled his eyes narrowing in on her. She felt rooted to her spot unable to run to her daughter. Aria cried reaching for her but Lilith couldnt move. 

"I am the collector, I will come for you last Lilith." He smiled, oh that smile was the most devilish thing lilith had ever seen. Harry sucked in a tight breath and when he let it out he screamed. Aria screamed. Lilith looked between them and their faces were turning blue. 

"BREATHE! BREATHE!" lilith begged as she failed to get to them. 

"I will keep them forever and ever... don't worry. Once you are the last one, I will take you too. But not before you pay for your sisters sin." 

"She got rid of you, that was a blessing upon this world." Lilith hissed. 

"Can't get rid of me... I'm the dark lord. I hide in the shadows, I lurk in the tunnels, I am coming for you Lilith, I am coming for your children and there is nothing you can do to stop me." 

"Let them go." Lilith rasped her chest felt so tight, her lungs, she felt like she couldnt draw in breath. 

"You can't catch me now, lilith... You can't catch me-"

Lilith woke from a fever soaked dream, shivers over took her and she felt a wash of dizziness come over her as she sat up, ser pounce rolled off her as she sat up, so that was the pressure on her chest.  She groaned out rubbing at her head as she flopped back down. Severus sucked in a breath turning his cheek to her. 

"Lil," He whispered reaching out for her. 

"I'm fine, sorry." Lilith whispered, trying to get her racing heart to slow.  "Go back to sleep."

"Lilith," Severus begged. 

When she was in the dream it was so real, so vivid, so powerful, but coming out of it she felt so hopeless and helpless still. She hated that everything she witness in the dream could one day be a reality.

Voldemort would be back and he would try to take her children from her, he would try to take everything from her. He would take her life too. He would kill Severus no doubt and then what? All their hard work at trying to keep their family safe would be for nothing. If he came back there would be no stopping him, surely. Everyone said it, the dark lord was coming back and considering how Harry's first year went, LIlith was not excited for his second to start. 

"I'm fine, just a nightmare." She assured him. 

"What about?" Severus pondered. 

"It doesnt matter, its never coming to light." Lilith assured. 

"What do you mean?" Severus countered. 

"Voldemort." She hissed. 

"I hate that monster, even in death he torments you." Severus seethed holding onto her, she let out sharp breaths as she tried to calm her racing heart. 

"Even in death... he's not completely dead anymore, Sev. I dont know that he ever was."

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