17. Wildlife

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When the alarm rang the next morning Lilith wanted to hit snooze about a million times.

Lilith didnt like returning to work. She shushed the children more and more as Aria bounced on her chest throughout lessons. She spoke softly and every little sound of the chairs moving along the ground and the quills to the parchment irked her. 

Percy was happy to be in her class, Charlie was not happy to have his little brother in class with him. Bill however thought it was hilarious. 

"Class dismissed." Lilith declared after she assigned homework.

Severus knocked lightly on the door and LIlith collapsed into her chair. 

"I'm so tired, I forgot how much work, work is." Lilith whined. 

"You can take more time." Severus assured. 

"These students need me, they are far behind. I can't believe that woman basically had then working backwards!" LIlith corrected. "They need me. My seniors in particular. THey need me most."

"Alright." Severus agreed. 

"Where is Harry?"

"Play date with draco, remember?"

"Sure I remember thats why i asked." Lilith sassed. Severus rose his hands in surrender. "Sorry I'm just-"

"OVer worked and under paid and under appreciated.' Severus agreed. 

"Yeah." Lilith grumbled. 

"Aria, sweet beautiful girl," Severus cooed. "Hi baby, oh I missed this." Severus decided as Aria snuggled into him. "We should have a play date you and me and let mommy rest." 

"Thank you but its almost time for her feeding." Lilith countered. 

"I love watching that." Severus assured. Lilith smiled leaning into him. "Let me take a burden off your chest."

"Our daughter is not a burden."

"Thats not what I meant." Severus corrected. "And you know it."

"And if you drank the milk off my full chest, Aria would be mad at you."

"Lilith!" Severus laughed out. 

"You want to help me grade these assignments? Think you can handle that?" Lilith questioned. Severus moved to her desk picking up a parchment. 

"I have been looking over your shoulder for ages- you know I only took Ancient runes back then to be closer to you."

"And I remember you cheating off me because when you didnt you nearly failed." Lilith countered. 

"Well... it wasnt my forte." Severus agreed. 

"Oh honey," LIlith chuckled. 

"Do you have an answer key?" Severus pondered. 

"I can make one or here- Nott's assignment was perfect except for number three." Lilith offered. 

"Wonderful. I will handle this, you just relax." Severus instructed but Aria woke up and was demanding food and attention that instant before she exploded. 

"Are your parents thinking of giving you a sibling?" Harry questioned. 

"I dont think so." Draco countered. 

"I dont recommend getting one as little as Aria, she is always up in the middle of the night and really demanding." Harry admitted. "But she is kind of cute and we did get a kitten because of her so I suppose she's alright." Harry decided. 

"I wouldnt mind a cat." Draco realized. "Hey mum-"

"No." Narcissa countered. 

"Harry had three owls and a cat." Draco countered. 

"Lilith has an owl and two miniatures that didnt grow up." Narcissa countered. 

"Fine count all three owls as one since Hootie is little but they still have a cat, can we-"

"You would grow bored of it." Lucius added. 

"No I wouldnt." 

"We got you a lizard, recall?" 

"When did you have a lizard?" Harry questioned. 

"He was weird!" Draco corrected. "I want a cool pet, I want-"

"You claimed lizards were cool and a week later we returned him because he felt weird and looked weird and you didnt like that he-"

"Okay!" Draco declared looking to harry. "He ate bugs. Like real bugs. I had to feed him living things. It was gross."

"Cats dont- well Ser pounce does pounce on bugs and probably eats them but otherwise we dont feed him bugs on purpose" Harry offered. 


"If you want to play with wildlife go outside." Lucius suggested. 

"You can come over and play with our pets anytime." Harry assured. 

"thanks, you have good parents." Draco added loudly.

"heavens me," Narcissa tsked. "Where did we go wrong with him?" she mused. 

"Take away a few of his toys for good measure" Lucius added seriously. 

"I'm sorry, did I say you are the worst parents ever? No! Because if you dare take away my toys you will be! Deprive me of my possible pets is one thing but my toys!" 

Can't Catch Me Now / Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now