84. Darkness in the Air

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The Hype / Gendry Waters out now!

"I'm impressed." Lucius remarked. "How did you acquire it?"

"A lot of looking." Lilith answered. Severus hesitated before throwing the last ingredient into the potion. 

"It's ready lilith, put it in." Severus instructed. 

"Bye Bye bitch." lilith whispered dropping it down. 

"You sure this is going to work?"

"It better." Lilith grumbled. 

"What happened to Sirius Black?" Lucius questioned. 

"No clue what you mean."

"Come on now, Lils." Lucius tsked. 

"He is a fugitive, I havent seen him."

"The goblins at gringotts say otherwise." 

"Their eyesight is terrible." Lilith decided. 

"Right." Lucius agreed.

"Dont worry about it." Lilith added. "Lucius I know this sounds crazy, because it is." Lilith assured as they watched the cup break away into nothing. Harry rubbed at his scar when they did it putting down his book in the other room his face pinched at the sudden pain. 

"I love when sentences start that way." Lucius mused. 

"The only way I'm going to kill him is if we bring him back and in order to bring him back, we need to gather his loyal followers and make it seem real. Make it all seem real." Lilith declared. 

"There are followers." Lucius agreed cautiously. "Believers..," lucius hesitated.

"Get them out of the woodwork Lucius. Hes trying to kill my son from beyond the grave. I want him to look me in the eye and see that Lilith Evans Snape is his downfall."  Lucius liked the darkness in her eyes but it was also unsettling.

"I will get to work." Lucius agreed. "But when the time comes, dont blame me if you fail."

"I won't." 


" Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"

They walked into the crowd, taking in the sights. Music was playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. They approached a small tent. The Weasleys were finding their seats in the Stadium. It seemed to go on forever.

" Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Ron questioned looking around as they kept going up and up and up. 

"Pick me up!" Aria demanded pulling on Severus sleeve, he scooped her up putting her on his shoulders. 

"You are getting too big for this." Severus remarked. Aria pouted down at him. 

"No, I'm the baby!" Aria corrected. 

"Big baby." Severus countered giving her leg a squeeze. 

" Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know." Lucius remarked noting the weasleys. 

"Hi Ron!" Harry called back. 

"Hey Harry!" Ron answered. 

" We are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco added proudly. "Harry and I are going to be front and center, best seats in the house." Ron stared back at Harry in amazement, the ministers box. 

"It will be a good match." Lilith agreed. 'nothing like a good slytherin verses Gryffindor though." she added pulling harry into her side. 

"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can." Lucius smirked.

 "Minister, this is Sev-" Lucius remarked as they got to the box.

"Severus Snape, yes. I know you. One of our top professors at Hogwarts." Severus smiled softly. "And Ms Lilith Snape, welcome. Your field work is simply remarkable."

"Thank you." Lilith answered. "It is." She agreed. 

"I'm honored to be hosting you all today."

"This is harry, and little aria." Lilith added. 

"Yes, yes, children sit ahead." the minster agreed nodding to the seats. "Drinks for the adults are on the way." 

"Wonderful." Lilith agreed leaning into Severus as she took her seat. "Lucius you have to get Narcissa to come out more,  I miss her."

"She hates the games." Lucius countered.  

"It's the Irish!" Fred remarked.

Five green and white figures flew through the air on their brooms leaving a colored trail behind them. A glittering leprechaun appeared in the sky and starts dancing. It pulled Aria's attention away.

"Wow, this is so cool." Aria whispered. "Better than your games already Harry." She added, Harry rolled his eyes glancing to his mother. 

"It has a bit more flare than Hogwarts." Lilith agreed her eyes flickered to Severus hand on her thigh tracing patterns over her jeans. 

"Here come the Bulgarians!" George bellowed.

Five red figures this time, one of them performed a stunt on his broom. One of them appears on the large screen. The crowd began to chant 'Krum, Krum, Krum'. 

The match played on and Harry's head darted back and forth as he watched the riders. Harry loved quidditch, Severus thought Harry might just go all the way one day. They would be sitting here watching him play. Points were rising quickly but once the snitch was caught the game was over. It was looking close, they kept going point by point then a sea of green shot up around them.

"And Ireland has done it folks! Ireland defeats Bulgaria 170-160. Close match, good on everyone, thanks for coming out!"

"Should we get something to eat before we head home?" Severus pondered. 

"Our treat." Lilith added looking to Lucius.

"Father?" Draco questioned hopefully.

"I have some business to attend to." Lucius countered. Draco deflated.

"We can take Draco." Lilith assured. "Growing boy needs to eat. We can bring him home after for you."

"I dont know when I will be home. I have... things to do." Lucius gave her a knowing look. 

"Of course." Lilith agreed. "Sleep over." Lilith decided. "How does that sound?" 

"Awesome." The boys agreed. 

"Best go quickly Severus, there is a darkness in the air." Lucius whispered. Severus grabbed tight to Lilith and they disappeared into the night. 

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