16. Mini Me

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While Harry was a mini Severus, Aria was a mini Lilith. Little wavy dark auburn tuffs of hair on her head. While the Weasleys hair was a vibrant red, Lilith and Lily were always a more sophisticated auburn. Lilith saw a little bit of lily in Aria's smile. But everyone said Harry had Lilith's eyes and few got to see Severus smile or else they would agree that Harry had Severus smile. 

"I forgot it was this hard having a newborn." Lilith admitted. 

"Agreed." Severus remarked handing over a cup of tea. Lilith gulped it down. "BUt its worth it."

"Agreed." Lilith answered leaning into him, closing their eyes for a moment of peace before Aria was screaming again. Lilith put her cup down and got ready for rock, paper, scissors with Severus. They tapped their fists down, one, two, three. 

"Best two out of three." Lilith begged. They went again. Severus smiled victoriously as Lilith slumped off. 

"Love you!" Severus called back as he picked up his tea cup again. 

"yeah, yeah." Lilith muttered. 

Percy was quick to appear the week before break and request a test. Lilith rolled her eyes not thinking twice about percys request, she had been focused on the little life in her hands. 

"Right right, its somewhere around here." Lilith remarked waving a hand and the room started to clean up. Aria smiled giggling out at the flying objects. "You like magical cleaning? Well this is great!" Lilith declared, Percy waited patiently at the door as Lilith got side tracked on Aria's smile. 

"Excuse me, Professor?" Percy questioned. 

"Right, right, yes, here it is." Lilith agreed. "Take a seat at the table." Percy was quick to drop his bag on the hook and sit at the kitchen table. "You sure about this?"

"I'm positive."

"Your brother is a smart man," Lilith assured. "You always competing with your siblings?"

"My younger brothers are not competition worthy." Percy assured her. "And I plan on making a name for myself. I position of power. I want to work in the ministry."

"Like your father." Lilith recalled. 

"I dont care for muggle artifacts like my father." Percy countered. 

"Alright, get going then." She dropped the test down and percy was eager to begin. Lilith continued to clean up. Harry came running in all smiles until he saw Percy.

"Mama theres a stranger in our kitchen!" Harry shouted. Lilith turned around. 

"Thats just Percy Weasley." Lilith corrected. "He's taking a test."

"Are you teaching again?" Harry questioned, suddenly not caring about the stranger in their kitchen. 

"Sort of." Lilith agreed. She graded percy's test slowly just to torment him before agreeing he could start in the spring. 

It was night or was it morning, the sun wasnt out yet, days blurred together. 

Aria started to fuss, signaling she was awake. Right when Lilith was about to get out of bed, Severus stopped her.

 "I'll get her." He strode over to their daughter and leaned down, his chest and toned stomach on full display as he picked her up. There was nothing sexier in the world than seeing the man you loved holding the child you'd created together. He rocked her back and forth, cradling her in his strong arms, and Lilith melted a little at the sight.

Aria looked so tiny next to him, like it wasn't possible that one day she would outgrow being held like that by him. Severus moved carefully toward their bed, his steps slow as he attempted to crawl back in. 

Aria cooed and stared up at him, her little fists clenching and unclenching as she turned her head toward Severus' shirtless chest and tried to suckle. 

"Not gonna happen, little angel." He moved her away with a laugh. "I don't have the right equipment," he added, handing her over to Lilith's waiting arms. Each time Lilith breastfed their daughter, Severus watched like nothing had ever fascinated him more. And maybe nothing had? When you think about it, it's truly a miracle the things the female bodies are capable of.

Or maybe he just liked the view. 

 Aria eventually fell asleep, her head pressed against Liliths breast, and Severus told her he'd take her so she didn't have to get up. He scooped Aria carefully from Lilith's arms, her head supported just right as he laid her down gently in her bassinette before snuggled back up beside Lilith. 

Christmas came and Harry helped Aria open her presents, Aria liked the bows best, Harry stuck them all over her and she laughed and laughed out. Ser Pounce liked the gift bags to play in and the owls were the most grateful gobbling down their treats right away. Harry zoomed around happily with his new toy cars. Lilith waved a hand and the car flew through the air hypnotizing Aria as well. 

"Merry Christmas." Severus whispered kissing Liliths neck, she smiled into him. 

"Merry Christmas my love." She agreed, she loved the after christmas fun, watching harry run around with his toys, Aria was already back asleep tired from the gifts already. Harry was going to be up all night. 

"You still want to go back to teaching when break ends?" Severus questioned. 

"I'm thinking of becoming a housewife." Lilith mused, they both laughed knowing Lilith would be so bored without her ancient artifacts and discovering new things but she supposed motherhood of two little ones was a new adventure.

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