9. Mouse

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Now that we don't talk / Otto Hightower Out now!

Burn the Ships / Viserys Targaryen / Larys Strong out Now!

Karma / Criston Cole / aemond Targaryen out now!

"Hootie is being really weird." Harry decided when term resumed. 

"Hootie is her own little being." Lilith corrected. 

"No, like I think she might be in pain."  Harry corrected, lilith looked up from the assignments she was grading and looked to Hootie, one eye squinting the other buggered out. Wings out stretched a squawk escaped her and then two little eggs dropped out of her. Liliths' eyes went wide as she moved to the eggs. 

"Hootie, you are a mama!" Lilith declared. "Who were you flapping wings with?" Hootie looked away as if to say its none of your business human. Harry gently picked up the eggs and held them out to Lilith. 

"Are they okay?" Harry questioned. Lilith carefully took them from Harry and placed them on a bundled up towel. 

"I dont know, time will tell but for now- I'm assuming you dont want to tend to your eggs." Lilith questioned hootie, who was busy pruning her feathers. "We will keep them warm and hope for the best. 

"Are they going to be as moody as Hootie?" Severus questioned. 

"Probably." Lilith admitted. 

"You know, now would be a good time to get a cat." Severus admitted. 

"Sure, we find out I'm pregnant, Hootie has twins and you want to throw a kitten into the mix?" LIlith teased. 

"It doesnt have to be a kitten." Severus murmured. "But they are a lot of fun." 

"They are." Lilith agreed. "Lets just focus on one baby at a time." She suggested. 

It was barely two weeks later that Lilith was running into the ancient runes classroom late after a night of barfing up a storm.  Morning sickness my ass, lilith had grumbled wiping her lip as she pushed into her classroom. 

"So sorry." Lilith offered. Harry jumped to his spot at her desk. "So today we are..." Lilith pursed her lips holding back the urge to vomit again. 

"Are you alright professor?" 

This was something that lilith always hated. She loved Harry. He was the best thing that ever happened to them but... the pregnancy was not something that she missed. She wanted to skip to the good part. 

"Yes." Lilith agreed. She took a small sip of water and waved her wand about. "Lets jumped back into chapter 16."

Harry was drawing eggs and owls and little nests today. He kept looking up at the little eggs, they were they littlest eggs he had ever seen. 

"And when distinguishing a rune, some of the symbols are very similar, how would one be able to tell the difference from say..." Lilith wrote two statements on the board in hieroglyphics. "If you look at the symbols you know what do you think it says-" a few brave students rose their hands. "Yes, Ms. Lee." Lilith agreed. 

"THEY ARE HATCHING!" Harry shouted. Lilith spun around and turned back to the class. 

"Wonderful work, everyone right this down and translate it before our next class... Class dismissed." Lilith declared before moving to harry. The class didnt leave though, they hoovered around as two baby owl eggs hatched before their eyes. 

The first one was all white, a snowy owl. Looked like he would malt into darker like Hootie, the black roots of his little feathers. The second was a baby Hootie. Hootie didnt seem to interested in them. Harry held out his hand and the white one jumped in, while the little brown owl blinked big eyes looking around, testing out his little head and legs. 

"They are so little mama." Harry whispered, they sat right on the tips of his fingers. 

"Hootie is a little thing." Lilith agreed. Hootie jumped down prancing around them. 

"What should we call them Harry?" Lilith questioned. Harry debated that. 

"Mouse." He answered. "He looks like a little mouse." 

"He does." Lilith agreed. "And this little pipsqueak?" 

"Pipsqueak!" Harry declared. 

"Welcome to the family little guys." 

Severus looked to the newest additions to the family as Lilith barfed again. They were quite cute, he had to admit. He looked to Hootie, she was clearly bored of them already. 

"Can we get a cat?" Severus requested. "We have an owl named mouse, was could have a cat named... Dog."

"Thats silly." Harry corrected. 

Mouse 🦉


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Can't Catch Me Now / Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now