14. In Green

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"What is it?" harry questioned.

"The mirror of Edised." Severus answered. "What do you see?"

"Us." The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is. "But I'm in green too." Harry admitted. "I like Gryffindor I do but..." he shrugged. "Sometimes I feel like I would be better in slytherin."

Severus smiled, giving his shoulder a squeeze.

"You know what your mother sees?"

"What do you mean?"

"She sees your aunt lily and uncle stinky." Severus remarked.

"So, then it shows us what we want? Whatever we want?" harry questioned.

"Yes... and no." Severus answered.  "It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this, Harry. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on things we cant change, Harry, and forget to live."

"What do you see?" Harry questioned.

"I see my mother and father. Meeting you and Aria. Getting to see you both grow up." Severus offered.

"You dont talk about them a lot." Harry remarked as they headed back.

"I miss them. Like your mother misses her sister."

Severus stared at the shimery cloak on their bed. Ser pounce curled up on top of it lilith reading a new book.

"Would you boys like to tell me what happened tonight?" Lilith questioned.

"Im so sorry." Harry agreed.

"Baby did you test out the cloak already? Less than a week thats a record. I stole it from uncle stinky the day I found out he had it." Lilith recalled.

"You are not mad at me?" Harry questioned.

"No. You didnt do anything bad did you?" Lilith pondered.

"Just wanted to see if I could get past Mr Filch without..." there was no use lying. "I was in the library in the restricted section. Hermione suggested it."

"Gryffindors!" Lilith demanded. "What were you looking for?"

"Anything on nicholas flemel."  Harry answered. "Do you know him?"

"Nicholas was a French wizard and famed alchemist... he was the only known maker of... i am assuming you already know." Lilith realized.

"the Philosopher's Stone." Harry agreed.

"Why are you looking into the stone?" Lilith questioned.

"Is that what the three headed dog is guarding?"

"My smart baby boy. But dont go digging. Its safe. Its hidden for a reason my love. Its dangerous." Lilith warned.

"Okay... I wont go digging anymore."

"Yes you will." Severus corrected knowingly.

"Wicked!" Draco declared. "Let me try it!"

"Be careful!" Harry countered.

"Can you see me? Woah! Look at my body!" Draco declared

"I cant see your body." Harry corrected.

"Out of all the losey gifts I got.... Nothing compared to an invisibility cloak." Draco declared spinning around. "This is awesome! What are we going to sneak into first?"

"I kind of..."

"You used it already!" Draco shouted flabbergasted.


"For what!" Draco demanded.

"I sort of snuck into the library-"

"You ge tthe coolest gift ever and you waste it on the library?" Draco dead panned.

"The restricted section." Harry corrected.

"He is to much like me." Lilith decided.

"Trouble? Yes." Severus agreed.

"You like my trouble." Lilith assured.

"I do."


"Dismissed! Good work today- HARRY!" Lilith squealed as he knocked on the door. "Everyone else out, out you know your assignments." Lilith assured.

"Am I interrupting?" Harry questioned.

"No, we were done." Lilith assured. "Baby come here! How are you? Is something wrong?"

"No, I just missed you and had some time before charms." Harry assured.

"Oh, well I'm glad you came by." Lilith remarked.

"Do you want help cleaning up?" Harry questioned looking around.

"That would be lovely." Lilith agreed. They cleaned up the stone tablets and the clay. Harry smiled running his fingers over the carvings. Lilith smiled kissing his head.

"I cant wait for you to be able to really take my class. You will wont you? Your third year?" Lilith pondered.

"Of course. I wish i could take it now." Harry agreed. "Is aria as good a helper as I was?"

"Shes bossier than you were." Lilith teased. "But she did-" lilith looked for what aria had drawn for harry among the piles on her desk. "Make you this, this morning before she headed down to your fathers class." Harry smiled as he looked at the picture of him... falling off his broom stick.

"Shes so sweet." Harry laughed out.

"Shes a dork but we love her."

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