Someone special

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Muichiro turned and looked at me again. He still had a bit of concern in his eyes, but I couldn't quite read him.

"You were dreaming of that night I saved you right?" He asked me. He looked at me with kindness in his eyes, rather than boredom or annoyance like I'd gotten used to seeing. I nodded my head 'yes', still calming myself down from my nightmare.

"Why do I remember that night? I remember the way you grabbed my uniform. I usually forget those kinds of things, but it's so clear," he pondered to himself out loud. He turned his head to the window, where it was clear outside. You could perfectly see the stars and the moon.

"Hmm. I don't know why for you, but I remember you because you are special to me. If not for you, I wouldn't be here," I replied. I saw a surprised look on his face as he looked back at me.

"I'm special to you?" He asked. I nodded as he put his hand to his chin and became lost in thought again. I didn't mind the silence though, I was able to relax again. I felt safe for the first time in a very long time.

"Why did you wake me up from my nightmare?" I asked him after a few moments. He looked like he snapped out of his thoughts and redirected his attention to me.

"I could hear you crying. Hearing your sorrow upset me too, so I tried to knock but you didn't respond. I opened the door and saw you were trapped in a dream so I woke you up so you could be free from your nightmare," he responded logically.

I suppose that did make sense. He already enters my room if he needs something from me, not thinking of the consequences of entering a girl's room at night. I didn't mind it if was him though for some reason. Maybe it's because that's how we met?

"Thank you, Tokito," I said calmly, understanding his perspective.

"Muichiro," he replied back quickly. I felt a slight blush spread on my face as he repeated himself. "Call me Muichiro," he looked so serious it surprised me.

"M-muichiro," I said shyly. It felt strange to call my superior by his first name but if that's what he wanted. I thought I could see him blush as well but it was hard to see in the dark of the night. He nodded and accepted my answer.

"Get some sleep now. No more nightmares, we train more tomorrow," he stated quickly before standing up to leave my room. As he opened my door, he paused for a moment and whispered, "Goodnight," before he left for his room.

I blushed at his kindness but tried to calm my fast-beating heart so I could return to sleep. He really was strange wasn't he? I liked it though. I was able to sleep peacefully the rest of the night thanks to him.

Muichiro's POV:
I entered my room after speaking with her. I closed the door behind me quietly so she would hopefully go back to sleep, but I don't think I can sleep for a while. I went and sat by my window, looking at the clouds.

Usually, I try to remember the shape of the clouds, but my mind would only focus on how she said I was special to her. The sweet words that came from her beautiful pink lips made my face feel hot, but I didn't understand why. I couldn't understand why I couldn't forget her like everyone else. Eventually, my mind grew tired of trying to figure it out and I fell asleep until morning.

For the next several days, I focused solely on training with her. She was an exceptionally fast learner, second only to me. I did see potential after all in her from that first night. I wonder if that's the reason I remember her? But even then, I struggle to remember the other hashira sometimes and they are all exceptional too, I think.

Tengen and Mitsuri came by to see us again. I was unsure why they were so insistent on visiting us, but it seemed to make her happy so I didn't mind.

"I'm going to borrow her again!" Mitsuri exclaimed too loudly. I nodded as she dragged her off to the other room where I couldn't see or hear them anymore. Perhaps I stared too long at the door they left through because I felt Tengen pat my back to drag me out of my thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me calmly. He seemed genuinely interested, maybe he would know why I feel so strange lately.

"Even when she leaves the room, I don't forget her face. Do you know why?" I asked Tengen, looking up at him curiously. At first, he looked confused then he had a large grin that made me uncomfortable to hear what he would say next.

"Say, Muichiro, you find her attractive, don't you?" He asked me, eager to hear my response.

"Hmm? Attractive?" I replied coolly. What was he getting at?

"Like my three wives. Their beauty is so impressive I can never forget it even when I don't see them for a while. Do you find her beautiful?" He asked me again.

I put my hand to my chin to think. Certainly, there was something in the way her hair flowed, the determination in her pretty agua-colored eyes, and her exceptional cooking skills, what was that comment about her eyes? Tengen was staring me down, waiting for a response.

"Well, she certainly is captivating. I can't say I ever found your three wives to be remarkable like she is," I replied to him nonchalantly. He picked me up in anger and began to shake me with annoyance, but I stayed still until he finished yelling.

"Hey! My three wives are the most beautiful things on this Earth, second to none! Don't be so nonchalant when talking about them!" I simply shrugged as he muttered something to himself. After a moment he took a breath and continued. "Perhaps you are infatuated with her after all," Tengen explained.

"What does that mean?" I asked him, unsure what he meant. I never really thought of things like this before.

"Do you feel drawn to her? Do you want to care for her?" He asked me. I thought for a moment.

"I suppose I do. I want to spend as much time as possible with her and I feel bothered when she has nightmares so I wake her up so she will stop suffering," I replied. He looked at me surprised.

"You go in her room at night?!" He asked me. I couldn't tell if he was angry with me or not for that.

"Yes, why?" I asked. He really wasn't making any sense.

Tengen sighed and put his hand in a facepalm, confusing me more. "Look, you don't do that except for special women you want to love. You should find out if she feels the same way about you. It would be bad if you developed deep feelings while she only saw you as her hashira," he explained. I suppose that made sense, I already feel distracted by her enough as it is, and I don't want it to worsen or have her think I am weird. I never thought like this before?! Why is my face turning red?

Tengen laughed loudly before telling me how to find out if she had feelings for me too. I hope this works.

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