Eighth Form

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In the morning, we sent a letter to the Master's House requesting a visit to discuss Muichiro's demon slayer mark. The next few hours passed as normal as I prepared breakfast for all the recruits who were all barely able to walk inside for their break, except Tanjiro who was beaming at the smell.

"It looks delicious! Thank you very much!" he said before he started to eat. Most of the other recruits seemed to enjoy his energy, except the one who complained too much.

"Don't look so moppy you all. The morning has barely started," Muichiro lectured before he began to eat by my side. I could see his eyes soften when he tasted my food, knowing he loved my cooking even more while the recruits all let out a collective sigh at his harshness. It was training after all, what did they expect?

As we finished our meal and everyone was cleaning up, we got a response back as my crow excitedly flew to the window. I went to her and took the note that was tied to her ankle, giving her a small head pat as I thanked her.

When I opened the letter, I called over Muichiro and Tanjiro to show them. The Master wanted to see us this afternoon and hear Tanjiro's testimony of the situation. They also wrote to Mitsuri to meet us there later. With that information, we all nodded in agreeance.

"Okay, training is canceled for today. You are all encouraged to continue practicing in my absence as tomorrow I expect there to be an improvement in all of your skills!" Muichiro announced as I went to ready myself for the meeting.

Not long after, all three of us were ready as we departed to the Master's house. We usually walked in silence, but Tanjiro was making small talk with us which lightened the mood, allowing the trip to pass by quickly.

Once we arrived, we were greeted by an excited Mitsuri who hugged us both as usual. Also, as usual, we awkwardly stiffened up causing her to laugh at our shared deadpan reactions.

"Tanjiro! You are here too?" Mitsuri exclaimed when she noticed him standing awkwardly before she hugged him as well. He smiled and hugged her back as we walked over to the Master's meeting area. 

The day was clear and beautiful, it felt light. Things felt so exciting today with the prospect that Muichiro would not have to die young that I didn't feel my usual sense of nervousness to be here again. The Master appeared before us with a similar smile, he must be enjoying the happy atmosphere as well. 

"Is it true? Did your demon slayer mark actually spread?" He asked us excitedly. We pointed to Tanjiro who introduced himself and gave his side of the story.

After Tanjiro finished talking, I explained I couldn't see very well and was unable to determine if the mark was there or not. Mitsuri said she was unable to see clearly as well, but she did notice something on both of his cheeks in the same shape Tanjiro described. She explains she thought it was blood or something due to the darkness.

"I felt myself grow more powerful immensely, but I thought it was due to recovering my memories," Muichiro explained.

"Interesting. Thank you all for telling me. It does indeed sound like you were born a demon slayer mark, meaning, you will not die at 25 and have the benefits of the mark ability enhancement. I suspect it may be due to your bloodline," The master calmly explained. 

We all looked at Muichiro in surprise. "Bloodline?" We all asked in unison.

"Yes, my family has lineage with power demon slayers," he calmly explained before smiling at us all. I was surprised, but it did make sense with how effortlessly he made such powerful movements look.

Tanjiro and Mitsuri took their leave to check on Nezuko, but I had one more question for the Master who noticed us staying.

"Do you have something else to ask?" His tone was calm and he stayed put. Muichiro nodded at me since it was my idea after all.

"Yes, I would like to know if it is possible for Muichiro and I to be the mist pillars at the same time," I boldly asked. He didn't seem surprised at my question.

"Normally, for that to happen you would develop a new mist breathing style form," He started to explain. For a moment, I felt sadness, but I realized something.

"While we may have the same breathing style, I wholeheartedly believe we work best as a team. In fact, we have been developing a new form of mist breathing only we can use together!" I explained with enthusiasm. I never wanted to be separated from Muichiro again, even if it meant becoming a hashira. If I couldn't be with him, it wasn't worth it.

Muichiro looked at me surprised. We had only practiced the form two times before we got recruits, but we were still perfecting it. This move was my trump card to change the Master's mind, so I risked it all anyway. He could see my determination radiating from me as he nodded in agreeance.

"Is that so? Please, demonstrate," he asked us while cocking his head to the side. He was interested, even if his vision wasn't there. His daughters looked at us interested as we sat up and took our places. There was a training dummy provided as our target that we walked around twenty feet away from.

"Mist breathing," I started as I gave a nod to Muichiro. He nodded back as the peering eyes of the Master's daughters never left us.

"Eighth form," he said. He was completely focused on getting this right, and so was I as I kicked myself up into a cartwheel like Mitsuri showed me during our last battle. Muichiro did the same as we headed toward each other and began to spin.

"Mist torpedo!" We called out in sync before we started to spin around other in the mist. We must have looked like a tornado, but I focused on not getting too dizzy as we accelerated toward the target. With our spinning and speed, we were able to easily decapitate and tear to shreds the dummy before we regained our balance.

We did it. We actually did it successfully! I was a bit dizzy as Muichiro steadied me, but he had a proud look in his eyes as he held onto my shoulder.

Once the daughters explained everything, the Master beamed a bright smile at our accomplishment.

"I see, you have developed yet another form. It appears you too do work well together. In this case, I will approve you to become a hashira since you have killed fifty demons by now. You are now both as one the mist pillar!" He congratulated me as I felt overjoyed at his words.

Muichiro seemed surprised but he suddenly kissed me, not caring if the master saw as the daughters told him. I didn't care either as I kissed him back. It was too exciting not to celebrate after all!


A/N: I bent the rules of the demon slayer mark so this story can have a happy ending!

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