New recruits

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After resting for the night, Muichiro decided he was going to take in some new recruits to train briefly and work with Tanjiro when he eventually recovers. I was in full support as we found a few recruits willing to work under both of us.

I was excited to help new demon slayers, but Muichiro was almost as relentless with them as he was with me. The only reason he expected more of me was I was his tsuguko though, so I mostly just felt for the recruits, but I knew it was more their own good. It's better to train so brutally that your bones shatter than to be die on the battlefield.

"Okay, Tokito Sensei is taking a break, so it will just be us. Let's work on elusive maneuvers and not allowing enemies detect our movements, okay?" I said confidently with my pointer finger up. The recruits sighed a breath of a relief it just me even for a minutes as they brought forth the mist and started to practice using it to their advantage. Unfortunately for them, I lied.

Within moments, Muichiro came down and swiftly knocked all the recruits to the ground. Not one was able to detect his movements, the true test. They also did not evade or hide well as the mist cleared within two minutes and every one was on the ground.

"I thought you were taking a break," one of them groaned while cletching his stomach. I recognized him as the boy who talked too much for his training.

"I'm curious, do you really believe every lie you hear? Are you not even able to detect your comrades?" Muichiro asked them all blankly. They all let out a collective groan as we felt a familiar presence approach.

We both turned suddenly to see Tanjiro waving at us.

"Tokito-Kun! Kazi!" He called out excitedly while waving. His familiar smile greeted us as we walked over to see him.

"You have recovered already? Are you here for hashira training?" I asked him excitedly as he smiled and nodded.

"If you will accept me!" He said enthusiastically. I turned to Muichiro, since it was his decision after all. He let out a smile.

"Of course! Let's get started immediately!" He said as he took him to meet the other recruits who were just barely standing up now. He looked a bit worried but we continued our training as normal.

Needless to say, despite being the first day, Tanjiro excelled far beyond the other recruits. I let Muichiro care for the rest of the evening training as I started to cook with the chef for everyone.

"How does it feel to actually be able to be in the kitchen more often now?" I asked him jokingly as he laughed.

"I have missed it! But it was a nice break so thank you for that," he said sweetly as we continued to cook for everyone.

Once everyone had their fill, they all came up complimenting my cooking once again. I felt a bit overwhelmed so Muichiro took my hand and said we were retreating for the night as he pulled me to our room. I was relieved to say the least.

Yuichiro woke up from his nap when he saw us enter and gave us a deep moan with a stretch. So cute!

I let out a sign of relief as I started to relax in our room. The night was our only private time anymore. "Thank you for that," I said sweetly as Muichiro only embraced in his arms.

"Of course," he smiled as I brought my lips to his. Before we could continue, there was a soft knock at the door.

I would have been mad if it was anyone else, but it was Tanjiro so we allowed him in as Yuichiro went right up to him and purred. He gently stroked the cats back with a smile.

"Thank you for letting me in. I had a question for you Tokito-Kun," he started.

"Tokito is fine when we are alone," he said sharply. How sweet.

"Tokito, what happened to the demon slayer mark on your cheeks? I saw them at the swordsman village when you threw me the sword," Tanjiro explained.

I was shocked at his words. On his cheeks? He never had them there, did he? I tried to recall when I was helping Mitsuri hold off the upper four, but when I did see Muichiro briefly it was mostly blocked by the darkness and trees. I guess I didn't get a good look at him until the sun rose.

"There was something there?" He stated bewildered. I guess he didn't recognize it either.

Only the Master and the other hashira knew of the mark on his back, meaning, Tanjiro has no idea he already has a mark. If that's the case that it spreads up his back to his cheeks, then-

He turned to me excitedly, grabbing my shoulders with a beaming smile. Tanjiro looked confused but I felt tears well up in my eyes at the realization.

"I'm not going to die at 25! I can live with you a long life!" He exclaimed as I embraced in tightly, forgetting about Tanjiro as our lips met. Tears fell from both of us as our hands interlaced. Our bodies were trembling with joy.

Tanjiro looked away from us, embarrassed by what he witnessed. "I'm glad I brought you good news than. What did you mean you are not going to die at 25?" He asked, still blushing from our sudden display of affection. We never showed that to anyone so I felt a bit embarrassed.

We explained to Tanjiro about the demon slayer mark and how we were unsure if Muichiro was born with it or not. Even with his memories back, he still does not remember it being mentioned other than as a birth mark that set him apart from his twin.

"I see! Well that is great news! I hope you live a long and happy life!" He said before bowing. I smiled at his kind words before he turned to me.

"Oh yeah, I had a question for you as well," he said suddenly as he turned to me. My eyebrow raised in curiousity. "Are you going to become the next pillar if Tokito retires?" He asked.

I hadn't thought about that before truthfully. I was supposed to as his tsuguko, but, I wouldn't want to fight without him by my side. He put his hand on my shoulder as I pondered the question.

"I'm not sure truthfully," I said before he nodded and bid us goodnight, leaving Muichiro and I in silence.

"You don't have to. I made you my tsuguko to bring you close, the master is aware... I should have told you earlier," he said as he started to apologize. I suppose my feeling was right about why he chose me.

"It's okay. What we could both be mist pillars together? At the same time?" I asked as his eyes were blown wide open and I felt a smile crept on my face.

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