New feelings

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Muichiro's POV:


When I saw you fall, my heart had sunk more than I thought was possible. The enemy was dead but I was so worried for you. I held you on my back as I ran as fast as I could to the recovery unit at the Butterfly mansion. You were bleeding and unconscious because of me.

I never felt this way before. I felt panicked and scared for the first time I could remember. My body reacted like it knew this feeling all too well. My speed was unlike any I had experienced before and I luckily arrived with you quickly.

The three small girls told me you would be fine, but may have some memory loss when you wake up. She would be like me?! Something inside me just broke and I couldn't bear the thought of you suffering. No, I wouldn't hold back around you anymore. I need to protect you even if it means showing you my true feelings. I stayed by your bedside as Mitsuri and Tengen came to check on her. I guess you have made good friends with them.

It all just feels impossible. I want to take revenge and punish myself for letting you fall, but when you wake up, you look at me with such kindness in your eyes. I didn't care if the other hashira were watching, I just needed to hold you. My body wouldn't let me do anything else. I was truthfully, overcome with relief to see you okay. For the first time in years, I had tears erupt from my eyes from all the emotions I suddenly felt with you.

Yet, that strange feeling didn't disappear. I wanted to hold you more, I liked carrying you in my arms. I felt such an intensity I've never felt about anything before. How did this happen? It wasn't what Tengen said anymore. What was that? Oh yeah, infatuation. It was more than that now.

When I took you home, I could have put you in your room, but I wanted you in mine. I wanted to check and see if you were safe all night. But, you provoked me more, and my body took over again. I instinctively kissed you, and you let me. Why?

Your lips are so soft and gentle. It tastes so sweet and that it makes me crave more, but I try to hold myself back from overwhelming you. My heart pounds so fast, as that strange feeling shifts from wanting you to needing you. I need you now. Close to me, with me, looking only at me.

This intense feeling is foreign to me, yet I'm guided by my body to kiss you gently as you lay your chest on my chest. You must feel comforted by too? When did my feelings shift like this? I was looking for any excuse to feel your soft hands just a few days ago, but when I saw you hurt, everything became more intense. I realized you make my mind feel clear. I remember everything about you, all the time, and it's amazing.

As you start to relax in my arms, I pull you close into my futon and kiss your head, falling asleep peacefully as I hold you. I've never felt such happiness in my life.


When I woke up, you weren't there. I felt my heart in my throat as I frantically stood up to find you. I felt worried again, but I calmed myself down enough to think logically. You will probably be somewhere in the estate so I started looking. It didn't take me long to find you in the kitchen, preparing something to eat. You didn't hear me enter again.

"You don't have to cook when you are recovering you know?" I stated. I smiled at your surprise to see me. This feeling felt so foreign, but so right.

"I wanted to prepare you something. Don't worry for me, I am okay," she replied. She was cooking for me? Does she do these kind things for me to show her love? I'm not sure if I'm any different, considering the gifts I make her, hoping to see her amazing smile.

I silently sat down and watched her finish cooking. I loved to see how she moved so elegantly and swiftly but always made such delicious food. I'm not sure how she does it. You place a plate in front of me and sit to my side. You're blushing again, what are you thinking?

"So, uh, about last night-" she is cut off by the sound of Mitsuri and Tengen entering my house, again. Do they think they live here too?

"ARE YOU OKAY? DID HE KIDNAP YOU YESTERDAY OR WAS THAT REALLY WHAT HE WANTED?! And you! Why did you get so jealous of anyone getting near her!" Mitsuri yelled out, pointing at me. She obviously was worried as she went and embraced her friend.

"Sorry," I said calmly. She is right that I should control my emotions more. I never felt this before, it's called jealously? I guess it is unsightly.

Tengen then pulled me by my kimono into the living room from her. Damn, what do they want so early in the morning? I haven't even taken a bite of her amazing cooking yet.

"Hey, yesterday was unflashy, but I get it. Are you doing better now?" He asked me, obviously concerned but seemingly a bit irritated at my behavior. I couldn't explain it to myself even. So I simply nodded.

"Did she actually want you to hold her like that?" He asked me.

"She didn't mind," I replied calmly. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Perhaps. But you don't seem just infatuated anymore, so you need a direct answer if she loves you back or not now, and soon," he explained. This guy was so behind, but I guess it did just happen last night. I smirked happily as he looked a bit fearful to see my expression.

"I confirmed she does indeed love me back, even without words," I stated. Tengen looked surprised as he grabbed me and shook me violently again.

"What the hell? When did this happen? What did you do to her? You got consent right?! That last part is very important!" He yelled out loudly. It was honestly kind of amusing, but I was already missing her so I turned back without answering to return to her. He yelled out after me telling me not to ignore him.

When I returned to the kitchen, things weren't any better though as she was blushing heavily and Mitsuri looked at me shocked. I'm guessing she just went through an interrogation from the love hashira herself. 

"You kissed her when she was in recovery!" She yelled at me as I just looked at her blankly. She seemed more embarrassed but before I could comfort her.

"You really did kiss her you weren't just bullshitting! When the hell did you get so bold?" Tengen called out behind me.

I just shrugged my shoulders while she let out a laugh. I'm not sure why she finds me so funny, but it makes me smile. The other two hashira started whispering "How cute! So precious," in unison to themselves. How strange life has become lately, as she came to my side and held my hand again. Making my face feel hot.

We were all interrupted as my crow Ginko and her crow Misora started yelling at us to go see the master. What does he want?

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