New family member

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After everything from the swordsman village, we returned home where Muichiro had medical care treatment for about a day before recovering from the poison. I still didn't allow him to return to training me though and made sure to cook him anything he wanted.

On our second day back home, he was sleeping soundly by my side as the sun was slowly rising. I rubbed my eyes and checked on him, lightly putting my hand on his head to make sure his fever hadn't returned. His breathing was relaxed but he seemed fatigued, probably from over-exerting himself. I brought my lips to his forehead and he didn't even wake from my touch, instead turning to the side and grabbing my legs to hold me close.

I laid back down to hold him until he woke up. He stayed asleep for about another hour before he finally opened his eyes and looked at me with a sweet smile. I smiled back and gave him small kisses before he looked at me confused, pointing to the large window in his room.

"What is that called again?" He asked as I looked where he was pointing only to see a cat staring back at us, unbothered by being spotted. Muichiro stood up and went to the window, opening it to the side where the cat came in and rubbed on his legs giving a soft "meow!"

"It's a cat," I said as I bent down and offered my hand which it gladly accepted. I smiled at it as I picked it up gently. It started purring as Muichiro started to stroke its soft back. It was a black and white cat with blue eyes. "It has eyes like yours," 

"Yeah, we should keep it. It chose us," he said stoically but I could see him smiling at the small creature. I didn't mind keeping the kitty. I set it down and it laid down on our bed, obviously choosing this place as it's new home.

"What should we name it?" I asked him excitedly. He put his hand to his chin as he pondered for a moment. He looks so cute when he is deep in thought.

"Yuichiro, after my brother with the same eyes," he said casually. I couldn't believe he never told me this. Did he get back his memories? He has been mostly sleeping since the swordsman village, so I guess we haven't gotten a chance to talk yet.

"You had a brother?" I asked him as his eyes widened in realization of not telling me. I could see guilt in his eyes.

"I did. I lost him at eleven from a demon attack after losing my parents. That's how the Master found me and trained me. I recovered my memories in the village, I am sorry it took me this long to tell you," he apologized as I embraced him tight hug as tears welled up in both of our eyes. Our new cat, Yuichiro 'meowed' again before rubbing against us, trying to comfort us.

He held me close for a moment, soaking in the comfort of our embrace before he spoke again. "I love you. Don't die on me one day, okay?" he whispered as I could hear the pain in his voice from his request. I felt my heart tighten to hear his pain as I kissed him passionately for a moment, surprising him slightly.

"I won't, so you can't either," I replied as he nodded. We put our foreheads together and held each other for just a moment, enjoying the presence of knowing we could count on each other for everything, only to be interrupted by hearing someone trying to enter.

Pulling ourselves together, we went to see who was coming this time. I doubt it would be Tengen since is enjoying his retirement vacating at the moment with his wives, leaving-

"MUICHIRO! KAZI" Mitsuri exclaimed as she ran into our house embracing us excitedly as we stood perfectly still in the midst of her hug. After noticing she calmed down slightly as she wiped a tear from her cheek before speaking with a beaming smile, "I am so glad you are both okay!"

"I am glad you are okay too," I said with a smile before being interrupted by a 'meow!' who seemed angry we already left the room.

"A KITTY?!" She exclaimed, hyper once again as she ran towards the cat. The cat was faster though, it quickly jumped above her onto a nearby shelf and looked down at her with annoyance in its eyes. He was a completely different cat from the sweetheart we saw moments ago.

"This is Yuichiro, our new cat," Muichiro calmly explained as Mitsuri was still trying to get the cat down to say hi to it. Yuichiro would have nothing to do with her as he turned to the side, looking up in defiance before she sighed.

"At least Obani's snake will let me pet it," she pouted as she crossed her arms stubbornly.

"Cats and snakes are completely different," Muichiro explained casually, as if it wasn't obvious. I couldn't help but laugh as I normally do when our friends are around us. It felt nice to be home and have a new family member. 

While we were catching up, I found the chef (who barely has to work anymore) and asked them to start preparing cat food for Yuichiro when he has time. He seemed happy to have something to do as he helped me prepare some mochi for Mitsuri and Muichiro's normal lunch. Muichiro never stopped watching my movements in the kitchen again with a small smile the whole time.

"So, you have your memories back now Muichiro?" Mitsuri asked him with curiosity as we started to eat together.

"Yes, I do," he explained blankly, unsure how much to talk about. It must be difficult to process everything you missed for years in such a short amount of time.

"That's good news, right?" she asked, unsure what he was feeling based on his reaction. He was quiet for a moment so I reached for his hand, interlacing my fingers with mine as he squeezed my hand. He seemed to relax a bit.

"I am not sure. One part I am grateful to remember, but another part is upset I forgot at all. It is not pleasant memories," He explained as I hugged him again suddenly. Mitsuri stood up and made sure to hug him as well, which he oddly accepted.

"Memories are not always pleasant, it is okay to feel multiple emotions," she calmly explained. I wasn't used to her maturity, but her words rang true as Muichiro nodded in acknowledgment.

"Thank you," He said somberly as we relaxed from him, only for Yuichiro to jump on his lap, causing him to smile again as Mitsuri pouted in jealousy. I let out a small laugh.

"Would you like to come with me to check on the boys and Nezuko-chan today?" Mitsuri asked me suddenly. She was right, I should go see them, and Muichiro has recovered enough to travel with me today so I nodded my head excitedly.

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