Chapter 4 - A Choice Not Made

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I wake up when a stream of sunlight spills through the single window and into my eyes I blink and groggily rub my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of a dream that feels too real to be just a dream

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I wake up when a stream of sunlight spills through the single window and into my eyes I blink and groggily rub my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of a dream that feels too real to be just a dream. 

As my vision clears, I see Niklaus lying beside me, his chest rising and falling with his peaceful breaths.

But it isn't the sleeping Niklaus who captures my attention but Finn who is standing in the doorway with a stoic look on his face.

Finn's presence in the doorway startled me, breaking the tranquil atmosphere that had settled between Niklaus and me overnight. He didn't speak, but his eyes seemed to convey concern, almost as if he was assessing the situation before him.

I look at him with a questioning look as he had been actively avoiding me since the night of the festivities.

"Finn," I begin hesitantly, "what do you want?"

Finn's gaze shifts away from me, and he takes a deep breath. 

"You should not be in here. And you should not have helped him." he states, his voice steady and calm.

I look at Niklaus who is still asleep, obvious to his brooding brother's presence.

"And what makes you think I would listen to a word you say?" I ask, my voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and defiance. I try to hide the emotions brewing inside me, but Finn's accusation has awakened a storm within me.

Finn just shakes his head before turning on his heel and walking off which makes me roll my eyes before I lay back down, staring at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" I hear Klaus ask as he moves next to me, to face me.

I smile softly at him as I roll over as well to face him, "I should be asking you that." I speak as I reach forward and wrap some of his hair around my fingers.

Niklaus smiles weakly at my response, the tension seems to dissipate momentarily, his blue eyes softening as they meet mine. I let go of his hair and lay my head on his chest, feeling the comfort of his steady heartbeat beneath me.

The atmosphere in the room shifts as Niklaus' warm, comforting heartbeat lulls me into a sense of security, dissipating the tension from my earlier encounter with Finn.

"I glad that you are okay." I whisper to him as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I have you to thank for that. Who knows how it would have taken for my wounds would close enough for me to even move from this spot." Klaus confesses and I frown slightly that the truth that it reveals.

I lift myself from his chest, sitting up and facing him as I gently cup his cheek with my hand, feeling the warmth of his skin and the strength in his gaze. 

"You'll never have to do this alone, Niklaus" I assure him, trying to calm the turmoil in his eyes. "I will always be here to help you. I promise."

As I said those words, I could feel the weight of his gratitude etched on his face, and I knew that with me by his side, he'd conquer anything the world threw at him.

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