Chapter 31 - GoodBye Little Witch

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My bone knife floats in front of me as I lay on the couch in the study with my eyes closed and a blood bag on my chest that I am slowly drinking from

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My bone knife floats in front of me as I lay on the couch in the study with my eyes closed and a blood bag on my chest that I am slowly drinking from.

An eerie silence envelops the room, save for the soft gurgles of blood flowing through the tube and into my mouth.

"What are you meant to be doing?" someone says as they stand at the foot of the couch.

I open one eye to see whoever is daring to interrupt my moment of peace, but a smile breaks out over my face as I see Elijah and Kol standing there.

"I am just waiting on Finn for something for my spells,"

Elijah moves towards me and simple lifts me up from the couch makes me squeal as he sits down back on the couch with me resting comfortably in his lap. Kol chuckles, perching on the arm of the couch.

"You find a spell for the wolves?" Kol asks but I can hear the hope in his voice that I will tell him that I found a way to return his magic. 

And even though Finn had found a spell that may work, I am not going to get his hopes up by telling him so I simple shrug and not speak about the other spell.

"I think I have found a spell that may work but I need the Alpha's blood to test it out so that I don't end up killing half the pack,"

I feel Elijah's strong arms around me, grounding me, making me feel safe and loved. His presence alone is a source of comfort in this chaotic world we live in. I lean back against him, letting out a contented sigh, relishing in the feeling of belonging.

"How long will he be?" Elijah murmurs into my ear as tucks my hair out of the way.

"Not sure. Could be any minute now or in a few hours," I tell him with another shrug.

"His lost then," Kol muses which makes me look at him confused but that dissipates when I see the glint in his eyes and Elijah's lips on my neck.

I chuckle, knowing that Kol is always up to no good. But right now, I am more focused on the warmth of Elijah against me, the feeling of his breath on my skin sending shivers down my spine. 

Lost in that moment, I turn my head slightly and capture his lips with mine, savoring the sweet taste of his kiss. Elijah deepens the kiss, his hands moving gently along my back as if to memorize every curve and dip.

Suddenly, a low chuckle breaks the silence, and I pull away from the kiss to see Kol grinning at us, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Should I leave you two alone?" he asks, the smirk on his face revealing that he's anything but serious.

Instead I motion for him to come closer to me and pull in for a rushed, hungry kiss that leaves me breathless.

Kol's lips, rough against mine, are a stark contrast to Elijah's gentle touch, but the unpredictability stirs a different kind of passion within me.

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