Chapter 14 - The Hunter's Curse Revelations

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"That lying, backstabbing

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"That lying, backstabbing...aagg, wanker!" Rebekah exclaims as she barges into the bedroom that I am currently in.

Elijah sighs and rolls off of me while I smile, finding slight amusement in this.

I sit up, pulling the duvet up to cover myself so as not to flash Rebekah, "Who is a wanker?"

Rebekah huffs as she pases, "Klaus, Nik. Niklaus! Who bloody else?!"

I run my fingers through my very messy and very knotty hair as I try figure out what she is on about.

"What could he have possibly done? He left this morning for Italy." Elijah mutters as he wraps an arm around my waist under the covers.

Rebekah, always one for dramatics, suddenly throws herself onto the plush armchair across the room. Her golden curls cascade around her shoulders in a storm of frustration. 

"That's just it!" she explodes. "He is after the Five. He has gone after the bloody sword!"

Whoever or whatever the Five are, it gets Elijah's attention as he bolts up straight next to me, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a look of stricken concern.

"The Five? Are you sure?" he questions, visibly shaken.

"Of course I'm sure," Rebekah retorts, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and worry. "He tricked me into telling him where I buried that damn sword,"

"That's why he kept that damn hunter alive," Elijah concludes before climbing out from under covers and the bed itself, , exposing his toned torso and muscled arms. 

His gaze meets mine, a silent promise reflected in his eyes.

I nod, understanding the urgency. 

Clearly, this Five and the sword are a big deal, even if I don't fully understand it.

He begins to hurriedly dress himself, pulling on a crisp white shirt and tailored trousers. 

"I must get him before he reaches the airport," he says, firmly before he vamps out the room, leaving me alone with Rebekah. 

I let out a breath before saying, "I guess that means I should get up too,"

Rebekah looks at me, slight guilt, "Sorry, Addie, didn't mean to ruin your time with Elijah."

I give her smile, "Don't worry about it, Bekah. We have forever and this seems important."


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