Chapter 23 - Finding the Missing Part of Her Soul

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Rebekah pushes the door to the plantation house open while blood stained the edge of her sleeve of her shirt

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Rebekah pushes the door to the plantation house open while blood stained the edge of her sleeve of her shirt. Her bags still in her car that is parked out front, she walks into the foyeur just as Astrid storms past with an upset Klaus following after her.

"I don't want to hear, Klaus!" she yells out behind her as she vamps up the stairs.

Klaus looks up the stairs before huffing out in anger and storming towards the front door

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Klaus looks up the stairs before huffing out in anger and storming towards the front door. He stops for a moment when he sees Rebekah.

Klaus gives her a nod of acknowledgement before gritting out, "Welcome to the madness, sister! Maybe you can talk some goddamn sense into her!"

Klaus takes one more glance towards the stairs before storming past Rebekah and the the front door while muttering, "Tell her I am meeting with Marcel,"

Rebekah stands there for a moment before walking into the house and slamming the door behind her as she says to herself, "No warm welcome then,"

"Don't take it to heart, little sister. Astrid is just upset that she lost the vote on the plan. Finn is with her now, he will calm her down especially now that Klaus is out of the house," Kol moves to where Rebekah can see him and she just gives him an unimpressed look while Kol just smirks, "But I would avoid speaking of Marcel in her presence for the foreseeable future," he adds.

"What the hell happened in the 12 hours since we spoke? What the hell were you voting on that could have upset her so much?" Rebekah questions.

Kol's smirk falls as a shadow guilt passes over his face for a moment which makes Rebekah more curious on the matter.

Kol runs his hand through his hair as he spares a glance to the stairs before sighing and telling his sister the truth, "Marcel wanted Elijah as a peace offering. Astrid disagreed with the plan that Elijah had cooked up. So Finn brought up something about us making decisions as a family that Astrid had said some months ago. So we voted on it and she lost." Kol slings his arm over Rebekah's shoulders, "And it turns out, our princess, is a sore loser,"

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