Chapter 29 - Enlightenment Through Listening.

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Klaus has set up a dinner table is set up in the courtyard to celebrate his return to leadership over New Orleans and his repossession of the compound from Marcel

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Klaus has set up a dinner table is set up in the courtyard to celebrate his return to leadership over New Orleans and his repossession of the compound from Marcel. Marcel and his inner circle are seated around the table with Finn, Kol and Elijah seated at the table as well. 

Klaus and I are seated at each end of the table but my attention is on Diego who is introducing the people around him, none of whose names I will remember after this.

Klaus calls for everyone's attention to give a speech by tapping his glass with his fork while I stare at him, a smirk playing on my lips. Klaus clears his throat dramatically, his eyes scanning the faces around the table. 

"Tonight, we celebrate not just my return to power, but our collective victory," he begins, his voice low and commanding. 

Marcel's jaw tightens as Klaus continues, recounting the events as he glances in my direction but I just smile sweetly in return.

"So let me begin with a toast to our shared gift: immortality." Klaus begins and Kol rolls his eyes.

"Good God, and I thought he was insufferable before. What have you plagued us too, princess?" Kol whispers to me and I press my lips tightly together to stop myself from laughing.

Because of Kol's comment and Elijah then kicking Kol under the table because of it, I don't hear the next part of Klaus' speech. So, when a bunch of waiters and waitress step towards the table and in between each person, I tense up as I didn't like someone I didn't know so close.

I feel Elijah's hand on my thigh, giving it a tight squeeze when a caring smile before the servants lift up knives and slits their wrists.

I take a sharp breath, feeling my eyes shift at the smell as it seems carrying three babies meant needing to feed more often. I feel eyes on me for a moment as I try calm my cravings but the attention is taken off me as a chair scraps loudly against the floor.

Finn gets to his feet, giving Klaus an angry and disappointed look as he shook his head before storming out. 

I stand to go after him but stop when Klaus growls out, "Astrid! Sit down."

I look into his eyes, searching them for the truth of the matter but I knew what this is about. Klaus wouldn't admit this but he knew the same truth that I did. These people may have him as their leader, it is me that they fear and respect most.

 These people may have him as their leader, it is me that they fear and respect most

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