Chapter 16 - Well Thought Plans.....

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I lay with my head on Kol's bare chest, drawing patterns across it and he has his arm wrapped around me

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I lay with my head on Kol's bare chest, drawing patterns across it and he has his arm wrapped around me.

"Nik will warn the hunter and the townies. He wants that cure. Either to make sure that he can destroy it or use it on someone else." Kol says softly to me as if trying to keep anyway from hearing him.

"Relax, Love. The sage is burning and the door is sealed. There's no one to overhear us now." I reassure him, tracing the curve of his pectoral muscle with my fingers.

Kol's chest rose and fell steadily beneath my palm, a sign that he was beginning to find solace in my words. His heartbeat, once a violent staccato against my ear, had now slowed to a soft and rhythmic throb. I pressed my hand further into his chest, willing the comforting rhythm of his heart into me.

The soft hum of his voice was lost in the silence that followed, replaced by the soft crackle of burning sage.

"I just can't help but worry, princess," he confesses, his accent curling around the words like a warm embrace.

"He doesn't know of my evolvement. And there are those in this family who will agree with you, even if you don't believe that." I tell him as I allow my hand to wander upwards, brushing lightly over the stubble along his jawline. I tilt my head back to meet his eyes, filled with concern and uncertainty.

"If we are going to go after the hunter with the white oak stake missing, we are not going out there without protection." I say as I move and straddle him, looking deep into his eyes, allowing the conviction in my voice to seep into him. His hand instinctively tightens its grip on me as I straddle his waist, a silent promise to keep me safe.

"I know you can take care of yourself," Kol says, his fingers tracing over my hip and causing small tingles of anticipation to race along my skin, "but the thought of you in danger, it's unbearable." His voice is a low growl, raw and passionate.

I cup his cheek and trace my thumb over his bottom lip. "And I can't stand the thought of losing you either." I confess, before laying a sweet kiss against his lips.

"Which is why I am giving as matching runes." I tell him when I break the kiss while I grab my knife from bedside table.

His eyes widen slightly at the sight of the blade, but he quickly masks his surprise with a swift lick to his lower lip.

I hold the tip of the blade against the area above his chest, taking one last glance into his eyes before pressing down on the blade and carving the rune into his chest, the symbol for protection. His body tenses as the cold, sharp blade cuts into his skin, but he doesn't flinch or make a sound

He stays still beneath me, trusting completely that I'll keep him safe during this process.

Once done, I watch the blood leak from the wound before leaning forward and licking it away as the wound heals beneath my tongue while the mark stays behind.

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