Chapter 24 - The Tricksters Under His Nose

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I run my hand over my face, wishing to stay in that place between sleep and wake

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I run my hand over my face, wishing to stay in that place between sleep and wake. I open my eyes after a moment, only to stare out into the blank space in front of me until a hand runs up my thigh and rests on my hip.

"I know you aren't asleep, princess," Kol whispers into my ear and I smile slightly at him.

I turn towards Kol, feeling a rush of warmth at his touch. His deep brown eyes lock onto mine, filled with a mix of tenderness and desire. I reach up to brush a strand of hair away from his face, my fingers lingering on his cheek.

"Is it weird that I am excited for today?" I murmur softly as I trace his face gently.

Kol's lips curl into a crooked smile as he gazes at me with adoration. "Not weird at all, my love," he replies, his voice husky with emotion. He leans in to press a gentle kiss against my forehead, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"But you are the last out of bed and I am pretty sure that my sister is trying to poison you in the kitchen," he informs me

I chuckle at his words, feeling a surge of gratitude for his presence in my life. Sitting up, I stretch my arms above my head before leaning in to place a soft kiss on Kol's lips. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer as we share a moment of quiet intimacy.

I break the kiss while he grins before I sigh and pull myself out of bed.

"Is the missing holes in our plans finally filled?' I ask as I pull on my clothes.

Kol's grin widens at my question, his eyes bright with excitement. "Yes, everything is falling into place," he replies, his voice filled with confidence. "There are still some missing pieces, but I have a good feeling about today."

I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm, feeling my own anticipation growing.

As we make our way downstairs to find the others, I hear arguing coming from the kitchen.

"Please tell me, Finn, who is more likely to know how to use things like a stove?! Me or you?!" I hear Rebekah bark out.

When I glance to Kol for an answer, he seems to be holding back his laughter at the situation.

I roll my eyes and head to the kitchen, where I catch Finn's response, "Oh, please, Rebekah, in all that time I highly doubt that you ever made food for yourself."

"Perhaps not, but I certainly have more taste than you ever will," she retorts, a smirk playing on her lips.

The scene before me was both chaotic and endearing, with pots and pans clattering, and ingredients scattered across the countertops.

I flick my hand and the barely edible food that is left half made in the many dishes around kitchen become engulfed in a soft glow, the ingredients dancing together in an intricate ballet. The chaotic mess slowly transforms into delicious dishes, the aroma wafting through the air and silencing the bickering siblings.

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